German Law School

Duration of studies2 semesters
Mode of studystationary
Language BasicGerman

Description of studies

The School of German Law addresses its offer to those students and graduates, who are interested in German law, especially business law, and the German legal language.

The primary goal of the School is to provide students with practical knowledge that will be a particular asset on the job market, and that will help them to participate professionally in serving Polish and German entrepreneurs who maintain commercial relations with each other and who conduct business in Poland and Germany.

Because German law very often serves as a model for legislators of other countries, the knowledge gained in the course will certainly also be used by those interested in legal comparatism.

Through joint ventures with German partners, the School will contribute to the development of Polish-German legal cooperation.

The School of German Law is organized by the Faculty of Law and Administration of Lazarski University.

Lessons will be conducted in German and will cover subjects of crucial importance from the point of view of business relations between entrepreneurs from Poland and Germany.

German lecturers - attorneys practicing law in law firms will present examples from their own practice and from the case law of German courts during the classes.

Graduates will receivea certificate of graduation from Lazarski University's School of German Law.


The program of the School of German Law includes 2 semesters of study.

1 semester

The German legal language course will be conducted by the Foreign Language Department of Lazarski University. The aim of the course is primarily to facilitate the students to take full advantage of the German law lectures in the second semester.

The classes at the School of German Law, including the first semester classes, are, however, addressed not only to lawyers, but also to all those who intend to use the knowledge of professional legal German in the development of their careers.

8 meetings (3 x 45 min each)

2 semester

The second semester will include classes in German law:

  • Einführung in das Zivilrecht
    - Introduction to civil law
  • Deutsches und internationales Kaufrecht
    - German and international sales law
  • Kreditsicherheiten
    - Credit security
  • Arbeitsrecht
    -. Labour law
  • Deutsches und Europäisches Kartellrecht
    - German and European competition law
  • Europäisches Zivilprozessrecht
    - European civil procedural law
  • Urheberrecht
    - Copyright law
  • Zivil - und Personengesellschaftsrecht, Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht I
    - Civil - and Personengesellschaftsrecht, Capital Companies Law Part. I
  • Kapitalgesellschaftsrecht II, Einführung in das Verwaltungsrecht
    - Capital company law part II, introduction to administrative law
  • Unternehmenskauf, Joint Venture, öffentliche Übernahmen
    - Business acquisition, joint venture, public takeovers

Lectures will be conducted in German.

Courses at the School of German Law will be taught by German attorneys, including from the law firm RAUE LLP Rechtsanwälte und Notare, appointed in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Lazarski University.

Participants will be required to use the textbook Heike Simon, Gisela Funk-Baker: Einführung in das deutsche Recht und die deutsche Rechtssprache published by C.H. Beck. In addition, students are required to have the current texts of German laws.


The German Law School runs for 2 semesters


Cost of 2 semesters, including examination fee:

  • for students who are students/graduates of Lazarski University - 1500 PLN
  • for students from outside Lazarski University - 2000 PLN


The condition for admission is:

  • filling online form,
  • submission of documents:
    • application for enrollment in the list of participants (application to download here),
    • identity document for review for data verification,
    • language certificate (B2 level).

Language proficiency

Candidates are required to have a German language proficiency level of B2.
Candidates may present an international certificate or other official document confirming language proficiency at this level (e.g., a certificate from a language school or the Foreign Language Studio of Lazarski University).

German language course on Super Memo platform - 420 PLN [e-learning course]


Sign up for German Law School:

Recruitment Department
room 39, first floor, sector E
Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
tel. (22) 54 35 505
