Publishing House

Mission and standards

The Lazarski University Publishing House has been in existence since 1993 - it began its activities with the establishment of the University. It is a scientific academic publishing house working to disseminate the results of scientific research, build a society based on knowledge, support the scientific community open to new horizons and cognitive challenges. It serves the academic community of the University, among other things, by taking care of the high scientific and editorial level of its publications, mainly monographs.

The Publishing House is the publisher of high-scoring quarterly journals: since 2007 "Ius Novum", since 2010 "Economic and Political Thought" and since 2018 the semiannual "Veritas Iuris". From 2022, it publishes the quarterly journal "Review of Medical Practice". The publication of the first two journals was preceded by the publication of "Scientific Journals" in the series "Law" and "Economics" from 1999 to 2004, and the quarterly "Economic and Legal Thought" from 2002 to 2009.

  • The Publishing House applies uniform standards for qualifying scientific monographs for publication and places particular emphasis on the transparency of publication and review procedures;
  • it respects copyrights, especially the right to authorship and to decide how authorship is designated, and cares for the reputation and good name of the authors of the work;
  • it ensures a reliable and professional publishing process, including the editorial process of scientific monographs, which is described in detail "Regulations of publishing activities of Lazarski University".

The Publishing House has a publishing policy that contributes to the dissemination of published monographs nationally and globally. Monographs are published in open access (OA) and deposited in Polish and international databases, repositories, online platforms and web search engines, e.g. EBSCO, Central and Eastern European Online Library, Google Scholar,, Open Science Center Repository OPEN, Library of Science, Digital National Library Polona.

Publishing House recommends Authors to publish in social media for scientists, e.g. ResearchGate, and others.


All monographs published by the Office are reviewed. Each monograph is reviewed by two independent reviewers. The reviewer submits a written statement that there is no conflict of interest between him and the author.

Principles of ethics

The Office has an independent and impartial publishing policy and takes care to maintain ethical, intellectual, editorial standards. It has developed and applies its own "Publishing Ethics Code". It also insists on the observance of ethical principles by authors, scientific editors, reviewers and other people associated with publishing work.

For all publication proposals submitted, it applies high substantive, formal and ethical standards both to prevent undesirable publishing practices and to ensure the publication of reliable scientific works of the highest quality.

Signing a publishing contract, the author (co-authors or a scientific editor of a collective work authorized in writing by the authors) simultaneously transfers copyright to the publisher - Lazarski University or allows the publisher to publish on the basis of a license agreement.
Co-authors of a collective monograph sign a statement on the contribution of work of each of them.
In order to prevent violations of copyright law and good practices in science, the Publishing House uses, among others, the anti-plagiarism program Detected violations of ethics and good practices in science will be disclosed. Legal action will be taken, and institutions employing authors and scientific societies, among others, will be notified.

Planning and initiation of the publishing process

The basis for the implementation of publishing activities is the publishing plan developed for a given calendar year. It includes all the items that the University intends to publish in a given year.
The publishing plan is reviewed and adopted by the University's Publishing Council, taking into account the subject matter, originality and contribution of the monograph to the development of the scientific discipline in the country and the world.

Publishing Council

The Publishing Council is an advisory body to the Rector in publishing matters of the University. Its composition, detailed tasks and functioning are defined by the Bylaws of the Lazarski University Publishing Board.