It effectively bans online gaming beyond these hours and restrict online gaming for those under age 18 to one hour in the evening on Fridays, weekends and public holidays.
The responsibility for making sure children play only three hours a week falls largely on <strong>Chinese gaming companies</strong> like NetEase and Tencent.
The <strong>limits do not include punishments</strong> for individual gamers.
How do you feel about such method of government control? The rationale behind this decision is noble (protecting the kids against developing addiction, eyesight problems, physical and mental health disturbances that young people are exposed to by spending all day on the internet) so… maybe this is this the way forward? How likely is it that other countries follow suit and introduce similar (maybe more liberal and less extreme) measures? Could this happen in your country? Could this happen in Poland?
Do you play online games? Are you concerned about the amount of time your younger brother/sister spends online? Are you involved in making video games and online entertainment? Even if you are not a parent or a teacher, maybe you are a socially involved person? Who knows, perhaps in future you will be a law maker/regulator? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, please come to the debate and let your voice be heard!
Parties to the debate:
Those in favour:
2. PARENTS and TEACHERS of children and teenagers
Those against:
3. Gaming community representatives (TEENAGERS and/or THEIR SPOKESPERSON)
4. GAMING COMPANIES (game developers for mobile gaming and PC/consoles) and internet providers (internet companies)
What are your reasons for / against this kind of regulations? Explain your point of view! How do you justify your actions and opinions? What do you want to achieve? Whose interests do you represent?
Two opposing teams will take part in a debate. One person in the group will present their point of view and present their arguments. The next person from the opposing group will try to address these arguments and present their own position. Who will convince whom? Whose arguments will prevail? How to effectively present opinions, even if we do not fully identify with them? This is the art of debate and persuasion.
LIVE Debate is on 27<sup>th</sup> November!