Two library science students from Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв) were chosen to participate in a two week internship at the Lazarski University Library. The practicum took place between November 27th and December 10th, 2017, and provided the participants, Margarita Sukhachova (5th year) and Yulia Negrash (3rd year), some hands-on experience working in our Library and contributing to the Library’s operations. During the first days of their stay in Warsaw, the students were accompanied by Dr. Tetiana Granchak, lecturer from the Department of Social Communications and Information Science (cоціальних комунікацій та інформаційних наук) of the Faculty of Culture, who organized the trip and was in fact the first person at KNUKiM to extend an invitiation to Dr. Henryk Hollender, the director of the Lazarski University Library, to teach a class in Kyiv in 2017. Both institutions look forward to continuing this collaboration since there are many librarians and library science students in the Ukraine who are interested in pursuing internships with Polish libraries, and are equally committed to advancing the programme designed to modernize Ukrainian library services. <br />Margarita and Yulia started work by shadowing library personnel in both Public Services and Technical Services. They were given specific job assignments and they also spent some time visiting other institutions besides the Lazarski University Library. In addition to the libraries seen in the pictures, below, they also visited the Warsaw Public Library, the Public Library in the Mokotów District, the “Kadr” Culture Centre, the NUKAT Centre at the University of War-saw Library, the Main Library at the Warsaw University of Technology, and the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, as well as the University of Warsaw, where they met with and attended classes taught by Professor Piotr Tafiłowski and Dr. Zuzanna Wioro-górska. Dr. Granchak and the students also had the opportunity to talk to President Juliusz Madej of Lazarski University, and the Vice-Director of the National Library, Ms Katarzyna Ślaska. While there were several people involved in the planning and management of the project to welcome our Ukrainian visitors, we would like to acknowledge, in particular, the work of our friend, Ms Elżbieta Frankiewicz, Vice-Director of the Mokotów Library. <br />The first work assignment of our apprentices was to reshelve books according to their call numbers. This is a very time-consuming task, especially during busy hours, and involves browsing the shelves and making the necessary corrections caused by patron errors – as they tend to reshelve books themselves out of call number order despite our requests to abstain from doing so. Then Margarita and Yulia grouped the books that remained after the Institute of Social Space and Public Policy and selected those of lasting scholarly value for inclusion into our permanent collections. By this point, they had already gained enough experience with our catalogue to be able to identify missing items. They were also expected to understand basic written Belarusian and to be aware of issues related to the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. And lastly, the apprentices received a different type of task to perform: pasting call number labels onto book spines, i.e. the symbol that manifests the contents of the book as well as its place on the shelf. The labels are printed at the library, and it takes basic bookbinder’s skills plus some specialized materials and tools to make them stick to the spine. <br />The students from Kyiv proved to be excellent interlocutors and eager participants in all the jobs and events which had been planned for them. We are grateful to them for all the days we spent together and we wish them much success both in the New Year and throughout their professional lives.
Practicum at Lazarski University Library for students from Kyiv
Two library science students from Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв) were chosen to participate in a two week internship at the Lazarski University Library.