About the chair

Katedra Badań nad Polityką

RESEARCH AREA: The Department of Policy Research conducts interdisciplinary research on:

  • issues of power
  • political theories
  • issues of identity
  • historical, social and anthropological conditions of politics

RESEARCH APPROACH: The research of the Department's staff falls within the broad tradition of interpreting politics and refers to the workshop of political science and history, including in particular political theory, political thought, political anthropology and comparative political science.

RESEARCHAND SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS: The current work and research projects of the Department's staff are situated within the framework of political science, European and American studies and concern:

  • processes of European integration and identity
  • the problem of Europe's borders and the migration crisis (EU neighborhood policy, Schengen border practices and refugee issues)
  • transitology, democratization and Europeanization of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet area (in particular, the cooperation of the Visegrad Group countries)
  • the study of the social and historical conditions of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
  • analysis of key representatives of political thought and political theory (including Lord Acton, Eric Voegelin, Alexis de Tocqueville, Michel Foucault)
  • the problems of political freedoms and individual-power relations
  • American politics and transatlantic relations
  • processes of identity formation in global mass culture

TEACHING: Employees of the Department of Political Studies form the team of the English-language International Relations and European Studies dual degree program with Polish and British diplomas implemented by Lazarski University together with Coventry University.

SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION: The Department of Political Research collaborates academically with several national and international research networks and organizations, and its staff members belong to the most important political science scientific societies: