Contact - Faculty of Economics and Management


Dean's Office of the Faculty of Economics and Management 
tel. (+48) 22 54 35 326
sector F, 3rd floor, room 363
Dean's Office for Polish-language studies
tel. (+48) 22 54 35 320
sector F, 3rd floor, room 362
Dean's Office for English-speaking studies
tel. (+48) 22 54 35 369
sector F, 3rd floor, room 362

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management

Martin Dahl 
sector F, 3rd floor

Associate Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management for Academic and Operational Affairs, Director of the "International Relations" programme, Polish-language studies

Adrian Chojan 
tel. (+48) 22 54 35 327 , 3rd floor, room 363b

Associate Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management for Validated Studies, Director of the International Relations programme, English-language studies

Krzysztof Łazarski 
tel. (+48) 22 54 35 556
sector F, 6th floor, room 602

Director of "Economics" programme,  English-language studies

Krzysztof Beck 
sector F, 6th floor, room 608 

Director of "Management" programme, English-language studies

Dominika Dzwonkowska 
sector F, 3rd floor, room 363c



Vice-rector for development of Lazarski University, Director of Polish-language "Management" and "Finance and Accounting" programmes,  Erasmus+ programme coordinator

Katarzyna Marton-Gadoś 
tel. (+48) 22 54 35 362 , 3rd floor, room 363

Director of "Economics" programme,  Polish-language studies

Zbyslaw Ziemacki 
tel. (+48) 22 54 35 327
sector F, 3rd floor, room 363


Plenipotentiary of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management and the Faculty of Law and Administration (internships and careers)

Karolina Parjaszewska