Rules and regulations



Lazarski University Library Regulations


  1. The Library performs the tasks specified in the legal acts to which Lazarski University, hereinafter referred to as the University, is subject. The mainstream of its activity is information service for employees and students and building information resources, corresponding to the profile and research and teaching needs of the University.
  2. The work of the Library is managed by the Director, reporting to the Rector. The Director exercises substantive supervision over the Library and Information System of the University, cooperates with its users, and determines the tasks of individual workstations in the Library.
  3. The Library Director: is the direct supervisor of the Library staff, sits on the Library Council and convenes its first meeting initiates the directions of the Library's development and submits relevant proposals and projects to the University's authorities, submits the Library's draft material and financial plan and the annual report on the Library's activities, is responsible for the proper organization of work in the Library and implements its budget.
  4. Employees of the Library occupy positions in accordance with the current regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education defining the positions, qualifications and grades of library employees and employees of documentation and scientific information.
  5. In carrying out the Library's tasks, the Library Director may create task forces, carry out part of the Library's tasks through inter-library cooperation, determine activities to be outsourced, etc.
  6. The Library shall make public all current details, facilitating the use of its collections and resources, not mentioned in the Regulations. This includes current fees for certain Library services or special fees.


  1. The Library may be used by students of the University and employees of the University, as well as by other persons.
  2. Access to the Library is granted to persons who:
    i. have their own library card or electronic student card (ELS)
    ii. Are willing to abide by the rules of these Regulations.
  3. Use of the Library is free of charge, with the reservations contained in chap. I p. 6, chap. III p. 11, 17 and chap. IV p. 10 of these Regulations. Persons using the Library under the terms of these Regulations are hereinafter referred to as Readers.
  4. The Reader is obliged to take care of the materials made available by the Library.
  5. The Reader is obliged to check the condition of the used or borrowed copy and to immediately report any damage to the Library employee, under pain of being held responsible for the damage.
  6. Silence is obligatory in the Library. It is forbidden to speak loudly or make phone calls. Conditionally allowed are devices with headphones.
  7. A reader who does not observe these Regulations may be deprived of the right to enter the Library by the Director of the Library or limit the number of books to be borrowed.
  8. The Library provides access to the Internet for educational purposes, headphones for on-the-spot use of materials on electronic media, as well as the possibility of scanning and copying search results to the Reader's electronic media free of charge. Readers can also use the service of copying printed materials and printing.


  1. The service points of the Library are the Reading Room and the Lending Room.
  2. Before entering the Reading Room, you must leave your outer garment and umbrella in the checkroom or on the rack in the Library. The Library is not responsible for clothes and personal belongings left on the hanger.
  3. It is forbidden to bring food and drinks, except bottled water.
  4. The reader registers his/her entry to the Reading Room for the entire duration of his/her stay by inserting the ELS into the reader or showing the Library staff member his/her library card.
  5. The Reading Room's book collection is generally made available on-site only. Access to the book collection is free. The Library may exclude from the free-access book collection materials that, due to technical conditions of access, high demand or the temporary reservation of the instructor, should be in the custody of the librarian (reserve collection).
  6. Borrowing outside the Library is subject to books and other materials collected in the Borrowing Room and Warehouse.
  7. Separate gifts and collections, as well as books borrowed from other libraries, are made available on the terms and conditions specified by the owner or donor. Books from the Reading Room are also borrowed on a short-term basis. Books that are in the direct care of the librarian are not borrowed (see p. 4). Borrowing and return of cataloged materials are recorded in the library computer system.
  8. Loans outside the Library are subject to current journals (short-term) and archival journals (for 30 days).
  9. Doctoral, master's and bachelor's theses are made available on the university's computer network. Printed theses are not lent outside the Library. Doctoral, master's and bachelor's theses are not copied by any technique. This stipulation does not apply to theses made within the framework of validated studies, the authors of which have given permission for copying. Works that are prints are made available the day after the order (excluding Saturdays and Sundays) from 12 noon and remain available to the ordering party for one month, with the possibility of renewal for the next month.
  10. The Library catalog specifies the location of each unit in the Library's collection and, in the case of materials to be borrowed, states the expected return date.
  11. Borrowing of books is done with a library card or ELS.
    Persons from outside the University, including participants in courses organized by the University, with the exception of the courses referred to in p. 14, may carry out loans on condition that they pay a deposit. The necessity to pay a deposit does not apply to those who present their own library card of the Public Library of the City of Warsaw in Mokotow district or Lazarski University Graduates' Club card.
    When applying for a library card or activating ELS as a library card, you must present a valid student ID card to a Library employee, and in the case of employees, an ID card or passport. You can also apply for the activation of your library account by e-mail (from the e-mail address provided in the recruitment or employment process) to, providing your name, surname, album number and faculty and mode of study. In the case of employees, information on employment status will be verified with the University's Personnel Affairs Department or a dedicated information system. After creating a library account, the reader is required to confirm his/her agreement to abide by the Library Regulations and consent to the processing of personal data on his/her library account.
  12. A reader with an active ELS or library card independently makes the first login, observes the account balance and makes orders.
  13. The right to borrow books on a general basis is granted to participants of courses conducted by the University for those intending to undertake studies, which is confirmed by a list submitted by the relevant unit of the University and including the date of completion of the course.
  14. With the application for a library card, the applicant accepts the applicable rules for processing personal data.
  15. When ending a period of employment, study or residency, a certificate of settlement with the Library must be submitted to the relevant unit of the University.
  16. For readers who do not have an ELS, the Lending Library issues and activates a library card upon payment of a fee. For those outside the University, the card is valid for one year, and an annual subscription fee applies.
  17. The library card or ELS activated by the Lending Library must not be given to other persons. The use or attempted use of the library card by an unauthorized person shall result in the deprivation of the right of that person and the owner of the library card to use the Library, subject to section 19.
  18. The Library must be immediately notified of the loss or theft of the library card. The sanction specified in p. 18 shall not apply to the owner of the library card if an attempt to use the card by an unauthorized person occurred after the Library was notified of the loss of the card.
  19. If a Reader loses his activated library card or ELS, it is considered that the book loans and returns registered on his library account are consistent with the loans and returns actually made by him. Any transactions made after notifying the Library of the loss of the card shall not be charged to the Reader.
  20. E-learning students can remotely enroll in the Library. Descriptions of the relevant procedures are made available at the University and on the Internet. Students of e-learning studies are sent ordered books by mail by the Library for a period of up to 90 days, after verifying in the Dean's Office System whether they are actually participants in e-learning studies.
  21. The Library accepts the return of borrowed books by mail, and also, in exceptional, justified cases, sends ordered books to individual readers by mail.
  22. The library promulgates rules under which libraries can set up an institutional account and borrow books from it. The library does not participate in other forms of interlibrary loan of collections to outside libraries.
  23. The library brings from libraries outside of Warsaw, books for its users. The mode of interlibrary orders depends on the rules adopted by these libraries.


  1. The basic allocation of books to be borrowed at one time in accordance with chap. III p. 5 is a maximum of 3 volumes for a period of up to 30 days.
  2. Students in their final year of graduate studies and students in their final year of undergraduate studies and doctoral students are entitled to 5 volumes for up to 30 days. The Director of the Library may grant entitlements as in p. 2 to Readers who distinguish themselves with discipline and activity, make de-siderations, participate in the work of the Library, show certificates confirming the acquisition of information proficiency, etc., or - by decision of the Rector - due to special achievements of the Reader.
  3. Medical students are entitled to borrow 10 volumes for up to 30 days.
  4. Academic teachers of the University are entitled to borrow 20 volumes for a period of up to 90 days. In agreement with the Library Director, the number of volumes may be increased for an employee of the University carrying out a timely research task or achieving high results in the scientific datasets used by the University. Such readers also receive favorable, separately agreed with the librarian, terms for the return of books borrowed from the Reading Room, referred to in the next paragraph.
  5. In justified cases, short-term loans of books from the Reading Room collection of a maximum of 3 volumes are allowed. The return should take place immediately after using the book, on the date agreed with the Library employee, if possible on the same day as the borrowing. Short-term loans must not restrict access to the Reading Room collection to other users.
  6. The Library employee may also allow night or holiday borrowing of a book from the Reading Room collection; in this case, the borrowing takes place immediately before the Library closes, and the return - at a time agreed with the librarian, no later than two hours, after opening.
  7. In justified cases, the librarian may borrow a book from the collection of the Reading Room for a longer time than specified in paragraph 5. Settlement of the return date is made on an hourly basis, and in case of delay a special fee per hour of delay is applied, in accordance with paragraph 10.
  8. The reader may request an extension of the time limit for returning the book by submitting a request no later than on the last day of the expiring term. As a result of the extension, a new deadline for the return of the book is established, as if the book had been borrowed anew on the day of the extension. Extensions can be made independently (online) and by e-mail. Two extensions are allowed. Institutional users (interlibrary loan) are not allowed to use extensions.
  9. The lending library may set a shorter-than-specified deadline for the return of a highly requested book.
  10. If the Reader is unable to pick up the books in person, he/she should give the Library staff member an authorization in advance for the person who will pick up the books, providing the name and surname and the series and number of the identity card (or passport number) of the authorized person.
  11. Borrowed books must be returned within the time limits set by the Library. Failure to return a borrowed book within the prescribed period will result in the blocking of the Reader's library account. After the deadline for returning a book, a special fee is charged for not returning the book on time, and in the case of ordinary loans this fee begins to accrue on the third day after the return deadline. The Library announces separate rates per day for late return of books from the Lending Library and per hour for late return of books from the Reading Room. The account is unblocked after payment of the fee.
  12. All books lent to institutional users are returned by the specified date (hours of delay do not count).Return of books can be done by a third party, and in justified cases by sending by mail. The date of return of the book is equivalent to the date of mailing. Return of books, can also be done through the drop box. Library materials returned through the drop box on the closing day of the Library will be written off the reader's account on the next working day.
  13. The reader is responsible for the condition of the borrowed book. The Reader's account shall be blocked as soon as the Reader is found to have destroyed or lost a borrowed book. The Library has the right to demand the return of the book. If the Reader is unable to purchase and hand over to the Library an identical copy or a newer edition, he/she shall return its monetary equivalent, as determined by the Library, after which the Reader's account shall be unlocked.
  14. It is the responsibility of the Reader to check the balance of the account, especially the number of books borrowed and the deadlines for their return, and whether the extensions have been recorded in the system.


Pursuant to Article 13(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: RODO), Lazarski University Library informs you that:

  1. The controller processing your personal data is Lazarski University, 02-662 Warsaw, Świeradowska 43 Street.
  2. The Administrator has appointed a Data Protection Inspector, who can be contacted at -
  3. Your personal data is collected and processed only to the extent necessary for the implementation of library services and the Administrator's performance of obligations under the Act of June 27, 1997 on libraries (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 574 t. j.).
  4. The basis for the processing of your personal data is Article 6(1)(b) and (c) of the RODO.
  5. If you are a student, your personal data that is available in the University's Dean's Office system is automatically downloaded into the Library's information system. In other cases, the use of the Library requires you to provide personal information when you create a library account. The documents required to create/update an account are a valid student ID card/identity card or passport, respectively.
  6. Your personal data will be kept by the Administrator for the statutory period necessary for the above-mentioned purposes.
  7. Closure of a user's library account occurs after payment of the user's obligations to the Library, all arrears to the Library become time-barred after 5 years.
  8. Closure of the library account is equivalent to deletion of the user's personal data from the electronic service system.
  9. Recipients of your personal data will be only entities authorized to obtain personal data under the law.
  10. Your personal data will not be processed in an automated manner and will not be subject to profiling.
  11. You have the right to request from the Administrator access to your personal data, the right to rectify, delete or restrict processing of your personal data, the right to object to the processed data and the right to portability of your data.
  12. You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in connection with the processing of your personal data.
  13. If the processing of your personal data takes place on the basis of your consent to the processing of your data, you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time.
  14. Provision of personal data is voluntary, but necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected. Failure to provide data may result in the inability to fulfill these purposes.


  1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Regulations, the Library has the right to announce to the Readers detailed rules for access to the collection, to specify the mode of use of new information sources, etc. These announcements are obligatory for the Reader. The Reader is also obliged to know the content of individual announcements, made available to him by the Library.
  2. The Reader has the right to report to the Director or the Library staff any requests concerning the rules of making available, the mode of work, missing library materials in the collection, etc.
  3. The Library is not responsible for items left on the Library premises.


Decisions of the Library Director

Chapter III p. 10 / Chapter III section 10:

  • The deposit on book or magazine published in Poland: PLN 100 / The deposit on book or periodical published in Poland: PLN 100
  • The deposit on a book or periodical published outside Poland: PLN 200 / The deposit on an imported book or periodical: PLN 200

Chapter III p. 16 / Chapter III section 16:

  • The amount of the fee for a library card: PLN 5 / Issue of a library card: PLN 5
  • The amount of the annual subscription fee for people outside the University (including graduates): PLN 50 / The annual subscription fee for users from outside the University (including graduates): PLN 50

Chapter IV p. 10 / Chapter IV section 10:

  • Special fee for late return of a book: PLN 1 for each day after the third day of lateness, not counting holidays (Library closed) on which the return would fall / Late return fee: PLN 1 per day (do not count due dates being holidays and the first three days after the date of return)
  • Special fee for late return of a book borrowed short-term from the Reading Room collection: PLN 1 for every hour after the first hour of delay / Late return fee for books short-term borrowed from the Reading Room resources: PLN 1 for every hour after the first hour of delay
  • Self-service scanning is free / Self-service scanning is free.
  • Interlibrary loans are free / Interlibrary loan is free2.
  • Attention / Note:
    Library cards issued to persons outside the University are valid for one calendar year. The expiration date is entered on the copy of the card.
    The expiration date of the card is calculated from the date of payment / Library cards are valid for the calendar year, beginning with the date of payment. Date of expiry is marked on the card

1 The list is an appendix to the Library Regulations. It is in accordance with the Law of June 27, 1997 on Libraries, Article 14/The list is supplementing Library Regulations. Issued in accordance with the Library Act of 27.06.1997.
2 Possible exceptions in case of importing a book from abroad / Exceptions may apply with international book orders


Legality of sources

It is clear that any student reading may exist in various forms and editions, but not all of them can be used without violating copyright law. If a reader finds the test he is looking for on the open Internet, he should figure out for himself whether he is dealing with a legal publication or an illegal "reprint." The physical appearance of the reproduced book (generally in PDF format) does not determine this. It usually contains disclaimers appropriate to the legal original, such as the following:

©Oxford University Press 2015 
The moral rights of the authors have been asserted 
First Edition published in 2015 Impression: 1
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, by license or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above

It is then necessary to check how the owner or administrator of the site explains its right to reproduce the work.

At the same time, there is generally no information about the circumstances of obtaining copyright, digitization, etc.; nor is it possible to locate the institution or find out what its legal status is. 
Students should be encouraged to search for reproductions on the open Internet, since the Open Access movement, which has the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland, consists of publishing full texts of scientific works in such a form that they are accessible and free of charge to the intended user. Moreover, a person searching for a work via Google has no formal obligation to know its legality as long as he or she does not attempt to copy, print or pass it on. Anyway, legal full texts on the Internet are increasingly common: numerous repositories, digital libraries, individual institutions' services, authors' websites, etc. operate under contracts with or on behalf of the copyright holder. On the other hand, pointing students to specific services that are not among those recommended by libraries runs the risk of guiding the student to an illegal source of texts.

The University Library is happy to check whether a particular work exists in a legitimate open edition. Such editions - along with other legal, but not necessarily publicly available versions - are abundantly recorded in the world catalog As a rule, we check it immediately, having received a request to purchase a book. Sometimes in our catalog description we include a link to an open version or a version published within the database to which we have full access. The text will then not open to a reader who does not have a password or who does not work within the network of our university or a university with identical rights. 
The use of illegally copied texts can also be considered illegal, becoming the subject of police intervention, and is always a violation of copyright law and the ethical principles adopted at the institution (see Lazarski University Code of Ethics, p. 7, Mission and Tradition). Other European universities see it the same way. The content of this explanation was agreed with the library management of our partner British institution, Coventry University.


Lazarski Alumni

Rules of use of the Library for members of Lazarski Alumni
The changes come into effect on 05.02.2025.

Newly enrolled Lazarski Alumni members may use the Library under the following rules:

  1. Use of the Library is possible after activation of the library account and payment of a fee in the form of an annual subscription - 12 months from the date of issue, in the amount of 50 PLN and a library card fee of 10 PLN.
  2. In order to activate the account, the individual QR code confirming Lazarski Alumni membership must be presented to the Library employee. Existing plastic membership cards of the Alumni Club expire on 01.01.2023.
  3. Lazarski Alumni members have the opportunity to:
    • borrow 3 books for a period of 30 days, extendable by one month, without having to pay a deposit,
    • use of materials collected in the Reading Room, computers, booths, reprographic equipment and a printer,
    • use of databases contracted by the Library only from the Library premises.
  4. Lazarski Alumni members enrolled in the Library before 05.02.2025 retain all privileges until the end of the purchased subscription. Any renewal of the account will take place under the new rules (increased subscription fee, access to databases only from the Library premises, rules governing the borrowing of books unchanged).
  5. Lazarski Alumni members are required to comply with the Library Regulations.


Individual work booths

University Library
Cabins for individual work
Regulations as of 23.05.2022.

  1. The booths are intended for readers who plan to work systematically on a larger volume of materials and who need special concentration, as well as for readers in small groups.
  2. The booth can be used by any reader with an active library account, priority is given to members of the Lazarski University community.
  3. The cabin is used after obtaining a key from the librarian. The key can be obtained upon request or the cabin can be reserved in advance for a period not exceeding seven days. This period can be extended if another user is not waiting for a cabin.
  4. A reader who has been assigned a cabin and has taken a key is responsible
    for the course of work in the cabin and the return of the key. If the key is lost, the user is responsible for the cost of making a duplicate.
  5. Cabin reservation is valid for 15 minutes counting from the established and confirmed reservation time, after this time the reservation is forfeited.
  6. The user is obliged to maintain order in the cabin he/she uses,
    as well as to close the cabin each time he or she leaves it. The user is financially responsible for the library collection and equipment in the cabin.
  7. The library is not responsible for personal belongings left in the cabin. The reader should lock the cabin each time he leaves it.
  8. The key is returned to the Library at closing time. The reader's materials and borrowed materials from the Library's collection may remain in the cabin, with the exception of books from the Reading Room, current magazines and journals.
  9. Personal belongings left in the booths and not picked up before the Library closes will be deposited in the security room. Library materials will be included in the collection. The point does not apply to booths reserved for more than one day.
  10. The Library reserves the right, in justified cases, to enter a cabin in the absence of its user.
  11. The use of the cabin does not exempt from the Library's rules and regulations. In particular, it is forbidden to bring drinks (except bottled water), food and to keep quiet in cabins 1, 2, 3.
  12. Soundproof cabin No. 4 is reserved for a minimum of two and a maximum of four people.
  13. Soundproof cabins No . 5 and No. 6 are reserved for individual work (maximum one person per cabin).
  14. The library does not provide data on people who have taken a cabin key.