European Union in the future: is it stronger and more democratic?
Date: November 21, 2014
European Commission Representation in Poland,
Academic Center of the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Lazarski University.
Conference Program
- Dr. Ewa Synowiec, Director of the European Commission Representation in Poland,
- prof. Eugeniusz Cezary Król, Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
- Juliusz Madej, President of Lazarski University.
Panel I: Growth and Employment in the European Union
Moderator: Dr. Paweł Olszewski, Head of the Scientific Center of the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Lazarski University
- prof. dr. hab. Wojciech Bienkowski, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Lazarski University,
- prof. dr. Katarzyna Kolodziejczyk, Institute of International Relations, University of Warsaw,
- prof. dr. Tomasz Grosse, Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw,
- dr. Sweta Rankin Rajan, Lecturer in Social Policy and Sociology Department of Clinical Sciences, Brunel University,
- dr. Justyna Schulz, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Bremen.
Panel II: The Future of the European Union in a Global World
moderator: prof. dr. hab. Ryszard Żelichowski, Institute of Political Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
- prof. dr. hab. Józef M. Fiszer, Head of the Department of European Studies, Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences,
- prof. dr. hab. Stanisław Koziej, Secretary of State, Head of the National Security Bureau,
- prof. dr. hab. Konstanty A. Wojtaszczyk, Director of the Institute of European Studies, University of Warsaw,
- prof. dr. Janusz Węc, Institute of Political Science and International Relations, Jagiellonian University, Team Europe (tbc),
- dr. Jens Boysen, German Historical Institute.
How can Ukrainians living in Poland and Poles contribute to the further development of civil society in post-Maidan Ukraine?
Date: 18 November 2014
moderator: Prof. Wojciech Bienkowski.
Yulia Gogol, Maidan activist, Barney A. Karbank Award laureateKrzysztof Stanowski, president of the Solidarity Fund PLKateryna Kuchmina, student at Lazarski UniversitySvetlana Iarmak, student at Lazarski University
This aim of the roundtable is to encourage students, Ukrainian as well as Polish, to actively participate in the democratic developments in Ukraine. We will brainstorm so as to exchange ideas between experts, activists, and students.
This event will be a unique opportunity for students to put in practice the theoretical knowledge they are learning within the framework of their studies. If one studies politics and international relations, it is not only to learn how it works. It might also be to be involved in it. Therefore, the official discussion will be followed by an informal part during which possibilities of implementing concrete actions will be explored.
Ten years of Poland in the European Union - a new opening
Date: 5-6 June 2014.
Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
Center of the ISP of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Lazarski University,
Committee of Political Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
INPiSM of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. John Paul II,
Institute of European Studies of the University of Warsaw,
Lazarski University,
Conrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland.
Conference Program
Day I
- Roundtable with Students and Doctoral Students? Poland's future in the European Union
Day II
Panel 1.
moderator: Prof. Dr. Ryszard Żelichowski
- Prof. Dr. Józef M. Fiszer, Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences: The impact of EU membership on Poland's modernization process;
- prof. dr. hab. Andrzej Podraza, John Paul II University of Lublin: Poland vis-à-vis the global strategy of the European Union, Catholic;
- prof. dr. hab. Stanisław Konopacki, University of Lodz: Poland in the crisis-stricken EU and the problem of European identity;
- prof. dr. hab. Agnieszka Legucka, Academy of National Defense: Poland's role in shaping the external security of the European Union in the eastern neighborhood;
- prof. dr. hab. Tomasz Hoffmann, Poznan School of Security: Europeanization of public policy on the example of regional policy in Poland.
Panel 2.
moderator: Prof. zw. dr. hab. Józef M. Fiszer
- dr Paula Marcinkowska, University of Warsaw: Poland's influence on the formation of the European Union's foreign policy towards its neighbors;
- dr Tomasz Stępniewski, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin: Poland and its eastern neighbors ? perspective of Poland's 10 years in the European Union;
- dr Andrzej Szabaciuk, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin: Poland's policies towards Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in the perspective of a decade of membership in the European Union;
- dr Marek Madej, University of Warsaw Late enthusiast ? Poland towards the European (Common) Security and Defense Policy;
- dr Agata Włodkowska-Bagan, Academy of National Defense: The role of the European Union in strengthening Poland's international position;
- dr Monika Sus, University of Wroclaw: The European External Action Service and its impact on the development of the European Union's foreign policy. Poland's perspective;
- Artur Wroblewski, MA, Lazarski University: From parochialism to glory? the role of Poland as the driver of change in the policies of EU towards Maghreb, Mashrek and beyond.
Panel 3.
moderator: Prof. zw. dr. hab. Piotr Madajczyk
- dr. Filip Tereszkiewicz, Opole University of Technology: The European Union towards the evolution of international order ? strategy for Poland for the next decade;
- dr Agata Ludera-Ruszel, University of Rzeszów: Poland towards the challenges of the European Union policy in the field of employment and social affairs;
- dr Anna Wróbel, University of Warsaw: Poland's influence on the formation of the common commercial policy of the European Union;
- dr Mariusz Ruszel, Rzeszów University of Technology: Poland's Influence on the Formation of the Energy Policy of the European Union;
- dr Robert Rajczyk, University of Silesia: Challenges of Polish Digital Diplomacy in the Context of European Union Membership;
- dr Monika Szkarłat, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University: Bioeconomy in the Policy of the European Union and Poland.
Panel 4.
moderator: Dr. Paweł Olszewski
- dr Beata Piskorska, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin: Poland's Adaptation to the New Determinants of European Union Foreign Policy. The case of Ukraine;
- dr. Paweł Olszewski, Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences: Poland in the process of shaping the new role and place of the European Union on the global arena;
- dr Spasimir Domaradzki, Lazarski University: Poland and the EU towards the crisis in Ukraine;
- Mgr Martin Dahl, Lazarski University: Social market economy in Poland after accession to the European Union and its prospects;
- Adrian Chojan, MA, Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences: 10 years of Poland's membership in the European Union. An attempt to take stock of the activity of selected political parties;
International scientific conference: Cooperation of Poland with the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States: premises, successes, failures and prospects
Date: 13 May 2013
Scientific Center of the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Lazarski University,
Scientific Circle of Young Diplomats operating under the auspices of the Department of International Political Relations of Lazarski University.
The substantive goal of the conference was to broaden knowledge covering the issues of cooperation between Poland and the countries associated within the Commonwealth of Independent States. In turn, the essence of the conference was to establish cooperation between researchers of the ISP PAN and Lazarski University with students both from Poland and abroad.
The effect of the conference will be a publication containing the papers delivered by the speakers during the conference.
The following issues were discussed during the conference:
Inaugurated by Prof. zw. dr. hab. Józef M. Fiszer and Aleksandra Mystkowska
Panel I - Poland and the Commonwealth of Independent States
- Prof. zw. dr. hab. Józef M. Fiszer: The Commonwealth of Independent States as a subject of international relations and its role in the international arena;
- Adrian Chojan, MA: The impact of geopolitics on Poland's foreign policy in 2005-2007. The example of the Commonwealth of Independent States;
- Piotr Bartkowiak: Poland's cooperation with the CIS countries in avoiding double taxation on the example of selected countries;
Panel II - Russian Federation
- dr Jacek Więcławski: Politics as competition for the dominant vision of truth - the example of Polish-Russian relations;
- Aliaksandr Mandryhin: The historical context of Polish-Russian relations: the example of Katyń and the Katyń issue
- Anna Gielazhin: Can the economy be independent of politics - The economic dimension of Polish-Russian relations;
- Magdalena Dzienna: The problem of Georgia in Polish-Russian relations.
Panel III - Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan
- M Maciej Zasada, M.A.: Poland "Belarus - a neighborhood doomed to failure"
- Nastya Diedova: Polish-Ukrainian relations against the background of the Eastern Partnership;
- Stanislava Vidkovska: Ukraine between Russia and the European Union - the problem of geopolitical identity of the Ukrainian state and its implications for Poland;
- Nikita Galenchenko: Poland-Kazakhstan economic relations: an axis of Poland's cooperation with Central Asian countries;
- Edgar Czop, MA: Perspectives on Polish-Azerbaijani relations;
- Mateusz Czasak: Polish-Uzbek economic relations.
Managing the European integration process and modernization of the European Union in times of crisis and formation of a new international order
Date: December 11, 2012
The Scientific Center of the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Lazarski University.
The aim of the conference was to hold an interdisciplinary discussion on the state of European integration in the present and near future. Therefore, the theoretical reflection included the demonstration of the impact of the economic crisis on the formal and informal conditions of European integration, together with an attempt to indicate the future consequences of this state of affairs not only in terms of the EU's internal policies, but also its relations with the newly shaped international order.
The conference was opened by Prof. zw. dr. hab. Józef M. Fiszer welcoming the management of the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the persons of Prof. zw. dr. hab. Eugeniusz C. Król, director, and Dr. Joanna Szymoniczek, deputy director. Prof. zw. dr. hab. Józef M. Fiszer made an introduction to the issues of the conference, drew attention to the contemporary problems of the European Union in the context of the emerging new international order. After the introductory speech, he asked Prof. zw. dr. hab. Eugeniusz C. Król to take the floor, who spoke positively about the first initiative organized by the Scientific Center of the PSI of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Lazarski University, while thanking the conference organizers for their work. He also thanked all the people who contributed to the Scientific Center. In his speech, the Director of ISP PAN also expressed the hope that in the near future the Center will be an organizer or co-organizer of many similar scientific ventures that will contribute to the development of the social sciences.
The program of the conference consisted of the following panel discussions:
moderator: prof. zw. dr. hab. Józef M. Fiszer.
Managing the process of European integration in times of crisis
- dr. Tomasz Grosse: Crisis as a political science phenomenon;
- prof. Kazimierz Kik, Ph.D.: The impact of European integration on the evolution of the party system of Europe (social democratic aspect);
- dr Krzysztof Strzałka: Italy in the face of the crisis: the European and economic policy of the government of Mario Monti;
- dr Ida Musiałkowska: Implications of the crisis for the financial management of the EU (with particular emphasis on the cohesion policy);
- dr Jakub Wódka: EU enlargement and the crisis;
- dr Magdalena Molendowska: Christian democracy in the process of managing the European Union in times of crisis.
Modernization of the European Union in the Era of Crisis and the Formation of a New International Order
- prof. dr. hab. Józef M. Fiszer: Opportunities and threats for the modernization of the European Union in times of crisis and the formation of a new global order;
- dr Krzysztof Senger: The growing role of financial engineering instruments in the European Union's cohesion policy;
- mgr Mateusz Grzelczyk: Reform of the system of own resources of the European Union: towards full financial autonomy of the EU?
- dr Agnieszka Cianciara: On participatory democracy in the European Union: citizens' initiative, consultation and lobbying;
- dr Mikołaj Tomaszyk: Coordination of European Policy in Poland in the EU Economic Crisis;
Opportunities and Threats for the European Union in the New Global Order
- dr. Paweł Olszewski: The European Union in a Multidimensional Crisis;
- mr. Adrian Chojan: The European Union as a Global Actor? Reflections for a Time of Crisis;
- dr Beata Przybylska: The Crisis of Leadership in the Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union.
The conclusion of the conference was held by division into panels. This was done by Prof. zw. dr. hab. Józef M. Fiszer and Dr. Paweł Olszewski, respectively.
The Euro-Atlantic System and International Security in a Multipolar World. The place and role of Poland in the Euro-Atlantic system of international security.
Date: ...
Department of European Studies, ISP PAN
Scientific Center of ISP PAN and Lazarski University
Conference organized under the auspices of the National Security Bureau
Euro-Atlantic System in a Multipolar World. An attempt at forecasting.
Department of European Studies, Institute of Political Studies
Polish Academy of Sciences
Science Center of the ISP of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Lazarski University
Department of International Political Relations of Lazarski University
Program: .."
European Union in a multipolar international system: opportunities and threats
Scientific Center of the ISP of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Lazarski University
Department of European Studies of the ISP of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Department of International Political Relations of Lazarski University