In the beginning of the debate a vote was taken which showed that the overwhelming majority of the audience supports the idea of the AI. After that, the heated discussion that followed revealed the arguments of both sides of the electronic barricade. The proponents argued for the development of science, business innovations, new medical discoveries, revolutionary diagnostic features, increased efficiency and rapidly approaching moment of singularity. The opponents put forward the arguments concerning accidents, frauds, deep fakes, loss of jobs, knowledge, creativity and social life, and a possible destruction of humanity as a result of AI’s uncontrollable character. At the end the vote was taken again. Apparently, doubts raised by opponents of AI have sown the seeds of concern, contributing to a balanced voting outcome.
Unexpected change of the heart
On 12 December students of the Faculty of Economics gathered in one of the auditoriums to decide whether the further development of Artificial Intelligence should be continued or immediately terminated.