This time, a fifth-year law student Kateryna Stryhina call out dr Mateusz Dróżdż - a lecturer at Lazarski University, the president of the board of Widzew Łódź SA club, the owner of a law firm, arbitrator of the Football Arbitration Court of the Polish Football Association and - let's face it - one of the most liked and valued lecturers by LU students.
‘I want to introduce my lecturer in Commercial Law and my thesis supervisor dr Mateusz Dróżdż. I am still impressed by the biography of this young (modest and very kind!) academic.
<ul><li>He is a Ph.D. at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Lazarski University, the member of the International Sports Committee at Staffordshire University and Thompson Rivers University, and member of the Parliamentary Committee for Amendments to the Act on Safety of Mass Events.</li><li>Since 2013, he is a lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Lazarski University and the International Legal Studies program in Salzburg, as well as postgraduate studies in Sports Infrastructure Management, and English-language studies affiliated with Coventry University.</li><li>Owner of a law firm.</li><li>President of the board of the Widzew Łódź S.A club.</li><li>Arbitrator of the Football Arbitration Court of the Polish Football Association.</li><li>Member of the International Sports Committee at Staffordshire University and Thompson Rivers University and a member of the Parliamentary Committee for Amending the Act on Safety of Mass Events.</li><li>He was awarded the 'Polska Niepodległa 1918' Remembrance Star for his activities for the benefit of the Warsaw Insurgents.</li></ul>
During the conversation with dr Dróżdż, I asked him a few questions which, hopefully, will show not only his professional life but also on the private one.
<ol><li>PhD or legal traineeship?<br />– Both!<br /><br /></li><li>Career or family?<br />– Family, but there is always time and opportunity for a career. One does not exclude the other.<br /><br /></li><li>Owner of a law firm or president of a sports club?<br />– There is time for everything.<br /><br /></li><li>3 fundamental features a good lawyer should have?<br />– Diligence, honesty, the ability to understand the law, meaning not just memorizing it.<br /><br /></li><li>What advice would you give yourself if you met yourself right after graduation?<br />– This is just the beginning. The most important decisions are still ahead.<br /><br /></li><li>What to do so that the chosen profession does not get boring and does not turn into a routine?<br />– Work cannot be treated as an evil thing. It has to be a passion and something we like, so we will never get tired.<br /><br /></li><li>Have you ever wondered whether law is the right path in your life?<br />– Law has always been my passion, but there were moments when I hesitated, especially when I went to the first parliamentary committee, where I started to wonder whether it made sense at all. At that time, I saw how the law works in practice.<br />– And what did you think at that moment?<br />– ‘It can seem stupid, but you have to do your thing.’<br /><br /></li><li>Let’s say you have the ability to go back in time to any happy moment in your life and relive it. What moment would you choose?<br />– There are a lot of such moments... But it would be the meeting with my wife, I think... When I saw my future wife for the first time, it was probably the happiest moment so far. However, I think that the most important family moments are still ahead of me.<br /><br /></li><li>What is the source of your strength?<br />– Family and the chosen plan, which I made beforehand. I honestly admit that with the years there are less of these forces, but it is enough to gain the next stages.</li></ol>
‘Work cannot be treated as an evil thing,’ - an interview with dr Mateusz Dróżdż.
It's time for the next page of the #MeetMyLecturer series, in which members of the Students in Action group put their favorite lecturers in the spotlight.