<strong>First contact with the employer</strong>
… Is an application or CV, usually sent online. Theoretically, everything can be entered here, which is why intermediate and good terms are still popular, which do not really mean anything. Therefore, it is worth referring to the global standard which is CEFR, i.e. the European System of Language Learning Description, also known as the levels of the Council of Europe described from A1 (the lowest) through A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2 (the highest). For example, according to the CEFR, students leaving the university should have B2, which usually corresponds to the minimum requirements of the labor market. Using internationally recognized terminology will allow us to create a more reliable CV.
<strong>Declarations and concretes</strong>
Knowledge is very important, but being able to validate it formally is just as important. A CV with precise information about, for example, an international document (for example <link en/offer/foreign-language-courses/improvement-courses/exams-for-international-certificates/languagecert-test-of-english-lte-a1-c2/ _blank>the LanguageCert LTE Certificate</link>), which will confirm that our level is B2 on the CEFR scale, will be much better.
<strong>The certificate pays off</strong>
The results of the salary research clearly confirm this - <link https://wynagrodzenia.pl/artykul/wynagrodzenia-osob-z-rozna-znajomoscia… _blank>the higher the level of English proficiency, the higher the salary</link>. Increasingly, the employer, treating English as an obvious skill, expects to know another, more exotic language.
<strong>A key skill</strong>
Do we insist that English is the most important competence? Probably not, but it is about the time needed to make progress in this area, the time that the employer does not have, because he is already expecting a specific level at the start. Employers invest less and less in developing the language skills of their employees.
<strong>Professional image in the eyes of the employer</strong>
The term "employee branding", i.e. our own brand, is a matter of building our image on the labor market. If our social media profile contains as much specific information as possible and not the statutory minimum, we will be invited to job interviews more often, and our CV will be much more competitive than those with just good English.
<strong>The perfect answer to a pandemic - an exam taken from home</strong>
<link en/offer/foreign-language-courses/improvement-courses/exams-for-international-certificates/languagecert-test-of-english-lte-a1-c2/ _blank>The LanguageCert LTE certificate</link> is the most modern language exams in the world. Y<link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc87g1qgqOU _blank>ou can take it at any time of the day or night, 365 days a year,</link> by arranging an online test under the guidance of the LanguageCert examiner, with whom we connect via a dedicated application. It couldn't be easier, safer and more flexible.
Our University allows you to take the LTE exam and receive an international certificate in English at a significant discount. Go to the website: <link en/offer/foreign-language-courses/improvement-courses/exams-for-international-certificates/languagecert-test-of-english-lte-a1-c2/>https://www.lazarski.pl/en/offer/foreign-language-courses/improvement-c… more information on the discount code.
LanguageCert LTE Certificate in English = more invitations to a job interview
Knowledge of the English language is now a matter of course and the employer expects that the future employee will use it in such a way as to effectively carry out the tasks entrusted to him. However, the precise determination of the desired level of advancement and confirmation of this fact by the candidate is a completely different challenge.