3rd Annual Medical Tourism CE Conference

We would like to invite you to the 3rd Annual Medical Tourism CE Conference – an international conference of the CEE area on the subject of medical tourism. It will be held on 30-31 March at the Sofitel Hotel in Warsaw. Patronage over the event has been assumed by the Łazarski University Centre for Postgraduate Studies.
Konferencja Grafika

The conference is dedicated to the representatives of healthcare industry, hospitals and insurance companies, as well as to medical intermediaries, consultants and other members of the medical tourism industry.
The event will feature healthcare and medicine leaders as well as representatives of the most successful entities of the medical tourism industry from respective regions. Representatives of Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary have confirmed their attendance.
It will be the third edition of this international event. Two previous conferences were held in Prague (2016) and in Budapest (2015).
The event will be co-organised by Medical Travel Partner. Patronage over the event was assumed by the Łazarski University Centre for Postgraduate Studies. Its students and graduates are entitled to a special reduced fee; in order to receive the discount, mark the field “Medical Travel Partner discount” during the registration process or send an e-mail directly to <link m.rutkowska@medicaltravelpartner.pl>m.rutkowska@medicaltravelpartner.pl</link>.
See <link http://euro-events.co/index.php/events/conferences/110-3rd-annual-medic… _blank>HERE</link>&nbsp;for more information about the confererence.
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