Habilitation title at Lazarski University

In its decision of 27 June this year, the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles granted Lazarski University the right to award the academic degree of PhD habilitatus in jurisprudence in the field of law. Consequently, our University was formally admitted to the elite group of 13 Polish universities with such an authorisation.
habilitacja na lazarskim

The Central Commission's decision confirmed the competences, extensive academic output and the quality offered by Lazarski University Faculty of Law and Administration. The review procedure preceding the decision encompassed such factors as: appropriate number of teaching staff, a high number of doctoral dissertations, a relevant academic potential, large librarian academic resources, and successes in combining the academic education offered to students with their practical preparation for the legal profession.
<em>&quot;The Faculty of Law and Administration has been consistently pursuing its growth strategy ever since 1997, when it was licensed to offer educational services in the field of law. Course curricula are being modified on an ongoing basis, helping the Faculty to ensure a high quality of tuition, outstanding teaching staff and a practical dimension of education. A great majority of Faculty members are recognised law experts and practitioners, able to impart the crucial skills to their students,&quot; </em>said Mieczysław Błoński, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration.
Research in various fields of law forms an important part of the Faculty's operations. They include primarily aviation law, criminal procedure and forensic science, labour law and social insurance law, medical law, civil law, European law, constitutional law, energy law, administrative law, competition and consumer protection law, and international law.
Faculty members include, among others, judges, public prosecutors, advocates, notaries public, and attorneys-at-law. The Faculty currently has 1,100 students. Faculty members ensure an appropriate combination of theory and practice. Students solve legal problems, attend classes held by law practitioners, and work at the Student Law Clinic helping people in need of legal assistance on an everyday basis.
Ever since the beginning of its existence, the Faculty pursued the goal of receiving the authorisation to grant the habilitation degree. Many years of hard work made it possible to achieve that goal. Recently, the Faculty has been distinguished in several independent classifications. In the ranking prepared by &quot;Dziennik Gazeta Prawna&quot;, the Faculty was considered the best of all private university law faculties. It assumed the first position in that ranking the eighth time in ten years.
In May this year, the &quot;Rzeczpospolita&quot; daily gave the Faculty a very high note for the quality of education offered. Meanwhile, in April 2015, the Polish Accreditation Committee decided that the law course at Lazarski University Faculty of Law and Administration deserved the highest distinction.
<em>&quot;The latest decisions of the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles and the Polish Accreditation Committee are very important for our University; they constitute an objective confirmation of the very high quality of education and the quality of the teaching staff offered by our University. We are very proud; these recent news are a wonderful reward for many years of ongoing efforts. It is also the best incentive to keep going and promite the development of the Polish science and education at the highest academic level,&quot;</em>&nbsp;said Professor Krystyna Iglicka-Okólska, Rector of Lazarski University.