Level A1 | Knowledge- Has knowledge of the basics of the phonetic system of a foreign language
- Knows basic vocabulary and simple grammatical structures on topics of everyday life
Skills- Communicates in a very simple way in specific communicative situations of everyday life provided, that the interlocutor speaks slowly and is ready to help
- Understands short utterances articulated slowly, simple commands, requests, information concerning his/her person and people around him/her, everyday life and his/her interests
- Reads with comprehension simple and short texts from everyday life, information on boards, announcements, advertisements wishes, SMS simple emails, forms
- Able to write very short and simple text, message, fill out a form/survey, make a simple note, list of tasks
Social Competencies- Collaborates in a group
- Recognizes and respects cultural differences between one's own culture and that of other countries
- Knows sociocultural behavior
Level A2
| Knowledge- Has level-appropriate linguistic knowledge of everyday life and the necessary intercultural knowledge
Skills- Communicates in a simple manner in typical, routine communication situations in the area of everyday topics
- In a level-appropriate manner, talks about himself/herself and others, past events and future plans. Takes an active part in conversation on familiar topics
- Understands simple statements about everyday events and identifies information contained in simple messages
- Reads with comprehension simple descriptions of everyday events, is able to find necessary information in texts (e.g.
- Writes short and simple texts, takes notes on important information
Social competences- Decides the connections and differences between own culture and culture of other countries
- Collaborates in a group, assigns roles and tasks to oneself and others
- Accepts attitudes and opinions of other participants in a dialogue
- Has the ability to learn and use available materials e.g. on the Internet
. on the Internet |
Level B1 | Knowledge- Has sufficient general and language knowledge consistent with the field of study to understand the main themes of general texts and short texts of a professional and academic nature
- Has knowledge of the basic rules of functioning in an academic and work environment
- Knows basic grammatical constructions, phraseology and vocabulary in the field of the studied major allowing to understand the most important contents
- Has knowledge of current events and phenomena of the modern world gained through understanding of the standard variety of language
Skills- Understands the most important contents of speeches, lectures and presentations in the field of the studied major. Understands and can present statistical data and diagrams. Understands uncomplicated texts of general and professional nature
- Able to converse on familiar topics in real-life, simple academic and professional situations. Can present a point of view. Can conduct simple negotiations
- Reads longer texts with understanding, can use various sources of information. Understands the general sense of the text being read and retrieves the necessary information and can analyze the text
- Able to write simple informational texts on familiar topics and letters according to a standard scheme; is able to describe his/her experiences and impressions
- Able to write a summary of a text he/she has read and to compose his/her own functional text
Social Skills- Decides the connections and differences between his/her own culture and the culture of other countries
- Collaborates in a group, Involves in joint activities
- Displays openness to the world, is aware of the need to improve language skills
Level B2 | Knowledge- Have a well-ordered general and specialised knowledge as well as the knowledge of the problems of today's world and the culture of the given language area
- Have knowledge of the basic principles of functioning in an academic and working environment
- Know basic grammar structures, phraseology, and vocabulary in the field of economics allowing them to understand the key content
Skills |
Level B2+ | Knowledge- Has general knowledge and specialized knowledge allowing active participation in discussions with expression of more complex opinions and judgments
- Knows grammatical constructions, phraseology and vocabulary in the field of the studied field of study allowing to understand professional and academic texts
- Knows and understands hidden meanings in texts and statements expressed indirectly
Skills- Understands longer and even complex statements, lectures and presentations in the field of the studied field of study and is able to analyze and interpret them. Notes the context and hidden intentions of the speaker
- Understands longer and more complex professional texts expressed in specialized language.
- Able to spontaneously formulate complex and elaborate statements on topics related to the field of study, present the results of his/her research and analysis
- Able to fluently and spontaneously participate in debates, discussions, including professional discussions presenting and defending his/her position. Can prepare a presentation in the field of his/her specialty
- Reads foreign-language professional texts. He/she is able to obtain the necessary information from them, interpret them and draw conclusions
- Able to conduct formalized correspondence, write reports and studies of professional and academic texts. Can argue and present in writing the results of his/her scientific research
Social Competencies- Able to learn and improve his/her skills within the concept of "Lifelong Learning"
- Able to interact within a group
Level C1 | Knowledge- Has the linguistic and cultural knowledge to function in an international professional and academic environment
Skills- Understands complex conversations and discussions without difficulty, even on unfamiliar and abstract topics
- Understands a wide range of difficult, longer oral and written texts from various fields of social life, lectures, debates on issues related to the studied specialty
- Expresses himself comprehensively, fluently, spontaneously, accurately and effectively on complex topics of social, social, academic and professional life
- Uses a wide lexical range, enabling him/her to express emotions and use allusions
- Able to provoke and lead a discussion, summarize statements, present and justify his/her position, propose various solutions to problems
- Able to write extended texts, presenting his/her point of view and adapting the style to the potential recipient
- Writes correspondence of any kind
Social Competencies- Collaborates and works in a group assuming different roles in it
- Able to prioritize to accomplish a task
- Has interpersonal and cultural competencies preparing for effective participation in social and professional life