Law in the Economy

The specialisation in the field of study Law in Business

The study programme "Law in Business" in the specialisation "Law in the Economy" combines the academic and practical dimensions of education.

Programme description

Studying at Lazarski University is considered to be one of the best in the country, and the 'Law in Business' course has been prepared with the problems and challenges facing the modern entrepreneur in mind.

In 2023 "Faculty of Law and Administration" was ranked first for the 15th time in the 16-year history of the ranking of law faculties of non-public universities of ,,Dziennik Gazeta Prawna", and the scientific category A+ granted by the decision no. 242/507/2022-1 confirmed the very high position of the faculty in the system of higher education. Already in 2006. The University was authorised to confer the degree of Doctor of Laws in the discipline of law. Since 2016, it has been authorised to confer the degree of Doctor of Juridical Sciences in the discipline of law.

An important priority is the popularisation of science through the WPiA quarterly Ius Novum (100 points) published at the University and the WPiA semi-annual Veritas Iuris (which provides a forum for the exchange of views for students, doctoral students and graduates of law faculties).

Career Perspectives

Studying the specialisation "Law in Economics" provides a thorough and in-depth knowledge of current law, its interpretation and application in the aspect of business. During their studies, students learn to understand its intricacies and development trends with a particular focus on public and private economic law. They gain an in-depth knowledge of the fundamental dilemmas of modern civilisation related to the development of entrepreneurship.


Possible careers after graduation:

  • state institutions, corporations and private enterprises,
  • financial institutions,
  • governmental and local administration bodies,
  • business environment institutions,
  • own business activity.

The specialisation "Law in the Economy" ensures the provision of knowledge, skills and competences in the field of topics necessary to better run one's own business. It is aimed at candidates who are interested in the economy, law and politics and want to skilfully run a modern business. This interdisciplinary specialisation combines theoretical knowledge of law with practical skills for its application. It is tailored to the contemporary labour market requirements from the economic sector. It provides an opportunity for professional development and allows you to understand the complex legal processes taking place in the economy.

During the course of study, there are a number of study visits and real-life classes, with ongoing support from staff with extensive teaching, research and practical experience.

Programme benefits

As a student of this specialisation you will:

  • prepare yourself to run your own business effectively, through practical classes in law or marketing, 
  • gain skills in fundraising and e-services, 
  • gain knowledge from the best - we are taught by eminent lawyers who specialise in legal services for business entities, 
  • thanks to many valuable tips, you will avoid business failures, gain motivation to implement your own ideas and increase your chances of professional success, 
  • deepen your knowledge of the legal areas related to the functioning of modern business entities, e.g.: advertising law, tax law, personal data protection law, consumer protection law, construction law, insurance law, 
  • master professional English thanks to specialised courses, 
  • acquire interdisciplinary knowledge combining the legal aspects of business and the functioning of companies; you will become familiar with the legal regulations governing business transactions. 

After graduation, you can undertake a two-year abbreviated degree programme in 'Law', and the learning outcomes achieved in the learning process can be recognised when you undertake studies in other fields, reducing the duration and associated costs. 


Naczelna Rada Adwokacka

Naczelna Rada Adwokacka (NRA) – organ samorządu zawodowego adwokatury w Polsce[1], posiadający osobowość prawną[2]. Siedziba NRA znajduje się w Warszawie przy ulicy Świętojerskiej 16.

Naczelną Radę Adwokacką tworzą prezes NRA, adwokaci wybrani przez Krajowy Zjazd Adwokatury oraz dziekani okręgowych rad adwokackich.

Naczelna Rada Adwokacka raz do roku składa Prezydentowi Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej sprawozdanie z działalności adwokatury wraz z informacjami problemowymi[8], określa zasięg terytorialny izb adwokackich[9], zwołuje Krajowy Zjazd Adwokatury. Do zakresu jej działania należą również 

  • reprezentowanie adwokatury, 
  • uchylanie sprzecznych z prawem uchwał, 
  • nadzór nad działalnością Prezydium NRA, nad działalnością okręgowych rad adwokackich oraz nad kształceniem aplikantów przez te rady
  • oraz funkcje związane z postępowaniami dyscyplinarnymi[11].
Naczelna Rada Adwokacka

Academic staff

Tuition fee

part-time studies
Study Fees - 1 year
(2 semesters)

2 x 6120 PLN

8 x 1530 PLN

Study Fees - 2 year
(2 semesters)

2 x 6480 PLN

8 x 1620 PLN

Application process

  1. Register online
    You can enrol at our University in a few simple steps:

  2. Pay the admission fee and submit your documents 
    Admission fee is EUR 17* (bank account details will be available in the Candidate’s Account after online registration)
    *Lazarski University graduates are exempt from the admission fee. Please, note that admission fee is non-refundable.

  3. Deliver documents to the Admissions Office 
  4. Check the ranking list
    You will receive your acceptance letter by email or in the Admissions Office.

  5. Congratulations - you are a student!
    Are you already among our students? We encourage you to download all useful information we have prepared for those who are beginning their studies at Łazarski University! Student Welcome Pack.

Law in the Economy
Apply now
Language of instruction:
2 years
Faculty of Law and Administration
field of study:
Law in Business
Type of studies:
Master's degree
Studies mode:
  • part-time studies
Obtained title:
MA Degree
Studies programme