Digital Marketing

The specialisation in the field of study Management

Discover the world of Digital Marketing at Lazarski University!
Inter-semester recruitment is underway

Admissions are only applicable for students transfering from different universities, in the process of recognition of their professional background or equivalent courses.

Programme description

The Bachelor's degree program in the specialization "Digital Marketing" is an ideal option for you if you want to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the rapidly growing digital marketing industry.

Our curriculum covers a wide range of topics, such as:

  • SEO and SEM: you will learn how to position websites in search engines and create effective Google Ads campaigns,
  • Public Relations: you will learn the principles of PR and IR,
  • Social media: you will learn how to use social media to build brand awareness, engage customers and generate leads,
  • Content marketing: you'll learn how to create content marketing strategies that increase brand awareness and help you achieve your business goals,
  • User Experience (UX): you'll learn the principles of designing websites and mobile apps that are easy to use and provide users with a positive experience,
  • Data Analytics: you'll master the art of analyzing marketing data to make sound business decisions.

Applied tools and certificates

  • WordPress
  • Semstorm
  • Senuto
  • Brand24


Digital Marketing brings knowledge and practice in one. During the PR class you will learn how press offices and corporate image officers work. During structured marketing, you will learn what marketing from a scientific point of view. And at social media classes you will create social networks for your company and you will develop them throughout the semester.

Weronika Sadownik

Thanks to the practical approach at the university and a lot of information in the field of marketing, I was able to find an internship already in the fifth semester, and I am currently working in this company as a specialist, which proves the usefulness of the knowledge gained at the university and the recognition of Lazarski University among employers.

Kateryna Makieieva

Examples of positions in which graduates of this specialty work:

  • (Digital) Marketing Manager,
  • Specialist in SEO/SEM, E-commerce, Social Media or Content Marketing,
  • Internet Analyst,
  • Copywriter,
  • UX/UI Designer.

Programme benefits

Why choose our specialisation?

  • curriculum tailored to the needs of the job market: our curriculum is constantly updated to include the latest trends and technologies in digital marketing.
  • Experienced lecturers: classes taught by qualified academic staff and business practitioners,
  • opportunity to gain practical skills: during your studies we will guarantee you the opportunity to participate in projects and internships that will allow you to gain valuable work experience.
  • excellent career prospects: graduates of this specialisation are sought after by employers from various industries.

What will you gain by choosing "Digital Marketing" as a Management major?

  • skills and knowledge necessary to start working in digital marketing,
  • opportunity to build a career in a rapidly growing industry,
  • high salaries



Zwolnieni z Teorii

Na specjalności "E-commerce" na kierunku "Zarządzanie" studenci wspólnie z organizacją "Zwolnieni z Teorii" mogą przygotować projekt społeczny i uzyskać certyfikat z obszaru zarządzania projektami.   

Zwolnieni z Teorii

Agencja SEO Vestigio

Agencja SEO Vestigio specjalizująca się, 

  • w audycie technicznym SEO, 
  • strategiach SEO czy 
  • content marketingu.

Vestigio jest partnerem specjalności na Uczelni Łazarskiego. Praktycy z agencji współprowadzą zajęcia dla studentów.


Firma Takeads jest natywną platformą technologiczną działającą w obszarze marketingu afiliacyjnego. Firma udostępnia wydawcom na całym świecie technologię formatów reklamowych, zapewniając jednocześnie dostęp do ponad 30 tysięcy unikalnych reklamodawców.


Eksperci z Brand24 będą współprowadzić zajęcia oraz udostępnią oprogramowanie do pracy dla studentów.

Academic staff

Tuition fee

full-time studies
part-time studies
Study Fees - 1 year
(2 semesters)

2 x 6600 PLN

8 x 1650 PLN

2 x 6000 PLN

8 x 1500 PLN

Study Fees - 2 year
(2 semesters)

2 x 6780 PLN

8 x 1695 PLN

2 x 6060 PLN

8 x 1515 PLN

Study Fees - 3 year
(2 semesters)

2 x 7140 PLN

8 x 1785 PLN

2 x 6420 PLN

8 x 1605 PLN

Application process

  1. Register online
    You can enrol for our University in a few simple steps:

  2. Pay admission fee and submit your documents
    Admission fee is PLN 85* (bank account details will be available in the Candidate’s Account after online registration)
    *Lazarski University graduates are exempt from the admission fee. Please, note that admission fee is non-refundable.
  3. Deliver documents to the Admissions Office.
  4. Wait for the enrolment decision
    You will receive your acceptance letter by email or in the Admissions Office.

  5. Congratulations - you are a student!
    Are you already among our students? We encourage you to download all useful information we have prepared for those who are beginning their studies at Łazarski University! Student Welcome Pack.

Digital Marketing
Apply now
Language of instruction:
3 years
Faculty of Economics and Management
field of study:
Type of studies:
Bachelor’s degree
Studies mode:
  • full-time studies
  • part-time studies
Obtained title:
BA Degree
Studies programme