2nd East European Aviation Conference

Enhancing Understanding in Aviation across Central Eastern Europe and the Baltics - an international conference with participation of expert speakers of Lazarski University.

We invite everybody interested in the aviation sector to participate in the 2nd East European Aviation Conference that will be held on Friday, July 28, at Lazarski University. Agnieszka Fortońska, PhD, Assistant, Lazarski University in Warsaw and Lecturer, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Silesia and Mateusz Osiecki, PhD, Assistant Professor, Lazarski University in Warsaw will run their presentations on "EASA and its competences in the field of certification - Legal aspects" and "Safety of drone operations in Poland according to EASA policies", respectively.

The key highlights awaiting participants:

Comprehensive Exploration: Embark on a journey of discovery as we delve into the latest advancements in CAMO, airworthiness, asset management, aircraft maintenance, and the training of maintenance staff. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the evolving practices that define excellence in aviation management.

Emerging Opportunities: Witness the unveiling of new and burgeoning opportunities that are shaping the aviation landscape in the region. Explore the potential avenues for growth and innovation that promise to redefine the future of aviation excellence.

Valuable Networking: Seize the opportunity to engage in valuable networking with industry leaders and experts. Foster collaborative endeavors, exchange insights, and build relationships that extend beyond the conference walls, contributing to the collective advancement of the aviation sector in Central Eastern Europe and the Baltics.

Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to elevate your understanding of the Central Eastern Europe and Baltics aviation sector. Join us for a day of exploration, insights, and networking that promises to be instrumental in shaping the future of aviation excellence in this vibrant region!

Registration form is available HERE

9.00 Registration & Networking Coffee
9.30 Opening Remarks
Panagiotis Panagopoulos, CEO & Founder, Aeropodium
9.40 Fleet planning
Meghan Dwyer, Sales Director Europe, Guardian Jet
Mike Dwyer, Managing Partner & Founder, Guardian Jet
10.10 Common language but different understanding
Ken Koort, President & CEO, Diamond Sky
10.40 Networking Coffee Break
11.10 14.30 Financing Eastern European aviation: Products and considerations
Viktor Berta, Director, Aviation & Space, Bayerische Landesbank
11.40 ONE STOP SHOP – What are the benefits for airlines, operators and lessors
Bart Matusewicz, Vice President, ALL4JETS
12.10 EASA and its competences in the field of certification - Legal aspects
Dr Agnieszka Fortońska, Assistant, Łazarski University in Warsaw and Lecturer, Faculty of
Law and Administration, University of Silesia
12.40 Networking Lunch Break
14.00 Air passenger rights - Legal and practical aspects of passenger service with
disabilities delivered by airports and airlines
Ewa Marcinska, Senior Legal Specialist, AirHelp & Senior Compliance Associate, Amazon
Development Center
14.30 How not to compensate passengers - Examples of air carriers excuses
Piotr Gad, Advocate, DelayFix
15.00 Challenges and opportunities for unmanned aerial systems
Agnieszka Gugała-Szczerbicka, UAS Law Specialist, Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
15.30 Safety of drone operations in Poland according to EASA policies
Dr Mateusz Osiecki, Assistant Professor, Lazarski University in Warsaw
16.00 Concluding Remarks

March 2025
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