On March 22<sup>nd</sup>, Mr Yuriy Dedenok (Юрий Деденок) of Belarusian National Technical University in Minsk, delivered a lecture for Lazarski University library staff as well as colleagues invited from other libraries in Warsaw, including the Main Library of Warsaw University of Technology and the Warsaw Public Library. The content of the presentation provided a timely addition to a discussion held currently at Lazarski – that on institutional scientific repositories. Yuriy has created the repository of BNTU and heads a department which runs it and which made out of it a second important Belarusian service of this kind (and 204<sup>th</sup> in Europe, according to Webometrics). Repository of BNTU is based on DSpace platform, which is deployed also by a number of major repositories in Poland. This, as well as Yuriy’s keen interest in academic libraries, made his ten days tour in Poland (Warsaw and Cracow) a period of intensive exchange of information and opinion. As we already know, it was earnestly reflected in a presentation, which he delivered at his university upon return.
(Pictures by H. Hollender (1) and Jakub Fornalczyk (2))