Languages Through Cooking

The new year at SJO begins with a new challenge. "Languages Through Cooking" is a multilingual project by students learning languages other than English. On January 15, 2025, participants will demonstrate that cooking traditional Spanish, German, French, and Ukrainian dishes can be not only an enjoyable culinary experience but also an effective tool for learning a language and a great way to integrate.
plakat, języki przez kuchnię, sala 130, 15 stycznia 2025, godzina 10:20, zapisy

The project began with research on national cuisines, sourced from the internet as well as professional and literary works. Based on this, students prepared presentations in German, Spanish, French, and Russian, which will be translated live into Polish during the event. From the extensive culinary offerings, typical dishes of each cuisine were selected. The recipes were compiled into a culinary script that the creators will share with the participants. Moreover, they will prepare a lexicon in four languages with basic, most useful phrases related to cooking, ordering, and serving meals.


The biggest surprise will come at the end of the meeting. Students will prepare a real culinary feast, composed of the previously presented dishes, all personally cooked by them!

Come and taste delicacies from different countries (the names of the dishes will be kept secret until the event😊)!

Languages Through Cooking - when and where?

The meeting will be held on January 15 from 10:20 to 12:10 in room 130. Registration for the event is required:

Those who haven't had the chance to give a gift to a loved one can buy unique jewelry made by our student after the event.

March 2025
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