Conference "Poland's 20 years in the European Union. An attempt to take stock and what next?"

The Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Institute of International Political and Economic Relations of Lazarski University, the Academic Circle of Economists and Diplomats of Lazarski University and the Department of Political Theory and Eastern Studies of the John Paul II Catholic University and the Institute of Central Europe in Lublin invite you to a scientific conference on Poland's presence in the EU.


The Conference "20 Years of Poland in the European Union. Taking stock and what's next?" will be to review Poland's accession to the European Union and to take stock of our membership, which means answering the question of what we have gained and what we have lost by being a member of this specific international organisation in the years 2004-2024. In addition, we will look at the future of the EU, the necessary reforms and the tasks and role of Poland within it.

We are planning the following topic panels:

We are planning the following panel topics:

  • Panel 1. Poland's accession to the European Union and its national and international conditions.
  • Panel 2. Socio-political, economic and international consequences for Poland after accession to the European Union.
  • Panel 3. Achievements and failures, i.e. what we gained and what we lost after accession to the European Union.
  • Panel 4. Positive and negative experiences of Poland after twenty years of membership in the European Union.
  • Panel 5. Future of the EU and challenges and tasks for Poland.

Date of the event: May 23 (Thursday) 2024, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Place: Lazarski University, auditorium no. 38