On Thursday morning, 11 May we organised a mega-size quiz on Kahoot (in English) to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Lazarski University. The quiz comprised over 40 questions in four categories: popular culture and society, business and economics, business idioms, movies and TV series. We tested the knowledge of recent internet memes (Harambe, OK boomer, snowflake generation), idiomatic expressions (GOAT, Raincheck?), phrases and expressions (cash cow, elephant in the room), business terms (microeconomics, macroeconomics) and influential thinkers (Adam Smith, John M. Keynes, Milton Friedman), the impacy of advanced technology (ChatGPT, cryptocurrencies), the most popular and successful TV series of late (Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones), Dothraki and High Valyrian conlangs and tons of more stuff...
Next time it could be you who wins big time and receive the accolade, so... don't miss the next quiz! Until then, keep your ear to the ground and look around you. The world is full of wonders and strange things which you will surely find their way to our next quiz!
11th May the 30th anniversary of Lazarski University Kahoot quiz report
Over 45 participants competed on their smartphones in Auditorium 38 for almost an hour and, and during that time learned some things that they had not known before they entered the room... Three most successful players received token prizes funded by the Foreign Languages Centre and assured our admiration for being so knowledgeable is such diverse areas.