ICUAS'23 International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems

An important event for the unmanned aviation community will take place at our university this June. The annual International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Systems has a 12-year tradition, but this is the first time it will be held in Poland.
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During the conference, the final of the unmanned flight competition will be held. The competition is open to anyone who passes the elimination stage. This is a unique opportunity to test and compare your skills with participants from all over the world. Proposals for articles, papers, workshops and sessions can also be submitted until February 1<sup>st</sup>, 2023. All papers should be submitted electronically. Read more at the <link>link</link&gt;.
The elimination stage will begin on January 16<sup>th</sup>, 2023 in an online form while the final of the competition&nbsp;will take place during the conference on June 6<sup>th</sup>-9<sup>th</sup>, 2023. More information at the <link…;.