Ewelina Gee Milan and Peter Gee at 32nd Polish Scientific Conference of University Legal Clinics in Szczecin

Ewelina Gee Milan and Peter Gee presented at a conference to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the legal clinic foundation in Poland. Representatives of Legal clinics from across Poland and international guests attended a four day conference with celebratory gala.
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Ewelina Gee Milan and Peter Gee’s presentation examined how the CEFR meditation descriptors can be employed to improve the soft skills of students. The Brown Mosten client consultation competition was used as an exemplar. In this competition a team comprised of 2 student lawyers interview an actor playing the role of a client. They need to tactfully get the client, who may well be stressed, to talk about a complex case before they can use their legal skills to offer solutions to the client’s situation. For lawyers being able to successfully communicate with clients is of course crucial to their careers.
This subject is particularly apt  as Lazarski University will next year host the national competition for the Brown Mosten ICCC in order to find the team that will represent Poland in this prestigious international competition for student lawyers.