Lazarski University constantly at the forefront of 'Perspektywy' Ranking

We took 4th place out of 43 private universities. Ranking of Academic Universities takes into account 29 indicators grouped into seven criteria: prestige, graduates on the labor market, scientific potential, innovation, scientific effectiveness, education conditions and internationalization.
nasi studenci perpektywy

We are a university chosen by candidates from 4 parts of the world, so we are glad that we were rated high in this category. The university's scientific potential, innovation and economic fate of graduates were also appreciated.
Our consistently implemented strategy (not quantity, but quality) works. We continually develop and take care of relationships with our students and graduates. Graduates of Lazarski University are in on-going contact with us and it is nice to see their successes. They achieved it with their own work, and we only accompanied them on this journey. We are looking forward to successful completion of studies of the first year students at the Faculty of Medicine.
Yes, we are definitely proud of this year's position in the ranking.