500+ has been a controversial program from the very beginning. On the one hand, as a form of governmental allowance, it helps poor families but on the other hand, it is criticized for excessive handing out money and even wasting budget funds. Why is it causing such extreme opinions among the public? We will try to answer the question who needs the 500+ program and why some more people need it more and others perhaps less so...?
Should people with high or very high earnings use it? Should people with disabilities receive proportionally higher benefits? Should homeless people also have access to this program? Is 500+ the same for all Poles? Should it also cover immigrants? Should single parents also receive proportionally higher allowances? Should only the number of dependent children be decisive? Although the answers to some questions may not be popular, we will try to balance the opinions and answer the question: <strong>should 500+ support only working families?</strong>
Welcome to the debate on April 12 at 10:10, in room 106.
Debate: 500+ should only support working families
We will compare our points of view, express our opinions, and try to convince our opponents about who is right. Who will convince whom? Whose arguments will prevail? Why do we believe our position to be valid? Come and take part in the debate on April 12 at 10:10, in room 106.