<strong><link http://www.ceeman.org/>CEEMAN</link><strong> <strong><strong>IQA</strong>:</strong></strong></strong>
<ul><li>deals with establishing international quality standards in management education;</li><li>provides advisory support on how to enhance the quality and relevance of management education offerings;</li><li>encourages to respect the cultural diversity; </li><li>assissts transition processes and changes;</li><li>supports creativity, innovation and a holistic approach to management development.</li></ul>
<link http://www.ceeman.org/>CEEMAN</link> accredited institutions serve as a channel for the exchange of knowledge, good practice and experience. At the same time <link http://www.ceeman.org/>CEEMAN </link>provides a meeting place for various organizations dealing with business development and management in order to improve cooperation in the areas of:
<ul><li>organization and management of education institution;</li><li>research projects and programmes;</li><li>exchange of students as well as academic and administrative staff;</li><li>conferences, debates and meetings organization.</li></ul>
More information at: <link http://www.ceeman.org/news/faculty-of-economics-and-management-lazarski…;
Faculty of Economics and Management with the International Quality Accreditation from CEEMAN!
On 26th of February 2021 the Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN) has awarded our Faculty of Economics and Management with the International Quality Accreditation, an accreditation assessing the professionalism of education institutions, the main objective of which is to improve the quality of education in the scope of management in Central and Eastern Europe.