Maslenitsa, or cheese week, is associated with fun and ritual expulsion of winter. It is this time of the year, symbolized by the puppet, which is burned on the last day of the celebration. It also was not left behind by Lazarski University! Puppets embodying the sun and Maslenitsa were prepared by our talented students for the FLC (SJO).
How did we celebrate this Orthodox carnival at Lazarski? First, we ate delicious pancakes and enjoyed strong tea and dryers. We went to the sun accompanied by the music of the great band IZZI, that played Ukrainian and Russian songs. Energetic and phenomenal singer stole hearts of the event participants.
Maslenitsa is a time of various games and activities - for us it was "a tug of war". An additional attraction of the event was the iconic black Volga with a red interior, a ride offered by our student - Mariusz Kierasiński. The participants also liked the setting of the event - a beautiful "samovar" and glasses in "podstakanniki", colorful "matryoshkas", traditional scarves and baskets of dried bagels.
Certainly, Maslenica is a very joyful and delicious holiday.
Maslenitsa - eastern remnants under the sign of pancakes
On February 27, 2020, we celebrated Maslenica - the equivalent of Polish remnants. Round pancakes are its culinary symbol, referring to the spring sun. We had enough of these delicious pies, with all the fillings. They tasted delicious!