<em><strong>These rules also apply to people who do not have:</strong></em>
<ul><li> Polish citizenship</li><li>health insurance entitlements</li></ul>
<em><strong>What costs are covered</strong></em>
People who are not entitled to health insurance have costs covered from the state budget such as:
<ul><li> health services provided to combat infections and infectious diseases</li><li>health services causally associated with these infections and infectious diseases</li><li>sanitary and epidemiological examination</li></ul>
<em><strong>What procedures can be used </strong></em>
In order to prevent and combat infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus and the spread of COVID-19 disease caused by this virus, persons suspected of being infected or falling ill, exposed to infection by contact with infected persons, diseased or infectious material, must be subject to
<ul><li> sanitary and epidemiological examination</li><li>hospitalization</li><li>isolation</li><li>isolation at home</li><li>quarantine</li><li>epidemiological surveillance</li></ul>
<em><strong>When compulsory hospitalization</strong></em>
The doctor (or felon) will suspect you are ill or have COVID-19 due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In this case, your doctor may refer you:
<ul><li> to an appointed hospital for compulsory hospitalization</li><li>for treatment or laboratory diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 virus as part of isolation outside the hospital, including at home - if the patient's clinical condition allows it</li></ul>
The doctor orders the patient to be transported to the hospital in a way that prevents transmission of the infection to others. He also decides to terminate treatment as part of ongoing isolation at home.
<em><strong>When mandatory quarantine</strong></em>
Mandatory quarantine applies to persons who do not have symptoms of the disease and who:
<ul><li> were exposed to it, e.g. through contact with patients</li><li>come to Poland from another country</li><li>they live or manage together with people who came to Poland from another country</li></ul>
<em><strong>How long does the mandatory quarantine last?</strong></em>
The mandatory quarantine lasts:
<ul><li> 14 days from the last day of contact with the virus - in the case of quarantine imposed by sanitary inspection. Warning! The employee of the health and safety department can inform about it by phone.</li><li>14 days from the day following the border crossing - for persons crossing the border. The Border Guard informs about its duration.</li></ul>
In justified cases, the quarantine can be shortened. It is decided by the state sanitary inspector - competent for the place of residence or stay, in which the mandatory quarantine or other authorized by GIS is to be.
<em><strong>What are the rights of persons insured in the EU or EFTA, residing in Poland</strong></em>
Persons residing in Poland, insured in an EU or EFTA country, are invariably entitled to health benefits provided by healthcare providers who have an agreement with the National Health Fund. In accordance with the coordination of social security systems of EU / EFTA Member States.
The scope of this right depends on the nature of the person's stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland and the type of document the person holds. Most often it is the European Health Insurance Card (EKUZ) or the Temporary Replacement Certificate EKUZ. They confirm the entitlement to necessary benefits during the stay in a Member State other than the competent State. It doesn't matter if it's an accident or an infectious disease. The doctor selects the services appropriate for medical reasons and duration of stay. Benefits are provided on the terms that apply to insured persons in the country of stay. Therefore, the patient may be charged part of the costs in accordance with the law of the country in which he is located. Although it has a card.
<em><strong>Where more information</strong></em>
For more information on the types of documents that certify the right to provide health benefits to persons insured in an EU / EFTA Member State (other than Poland), please visit:
<link https://www.nfz.gov.pl/dla-pacjenta/nasze-zdrowie-w-ue/leczenie-w-kraja… for Service Providers regarding the implementation of coordination provisions</link>
<em><strong>Legal basis</strong></em>
<ul><li> The Act on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans of December 5, 2008 (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1239, as amended)</li><li>The Act of 27 August 2004 on healthcare services financed from public funds (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1373, as amended)</li><li>Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 31 March 2020 on establishing specific restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the occurrence of the state of the epidemic (Journal of Laws item 566, 577</li><li>Regulation of the Minister of Health of February 27, 2020 on coronavirus infection SARS-CoV-2 (Journal of Laws item 325)</li><li>Regulation of the Minister of Health of 12 March 2020 on the method and procedure for financing healthcare services provided in connection with the state budget with counteracting COVID-19 (Journal of Laws item 422)</li><li>Regulation of the Minister of Health of March 7, 2020 on the list of diseases that cause hospitalization (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 375, as amended</li><li>Regulation of the Minister of Health on the list of diseases causing the obligation to quarantine or epidemiological supervision and the period of mandatory quarantine or epidemiological supervision (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 376)</li></ul>
<em><strong>Source of information:</strong></em>
<link https://www.lazarski.pl/></link><link https://www.nfz.gov.pl/aktualnosci/aktualnosci-oddzialow/zasady-leczeni… _blank>https://www.nfz.gov.pl/aktualnosci/aktualnosci-oddzialow/zasady-leczeni…;
COVID-19: treatment of foreigners for free
All persons currently residing in Poland have the right to health care services (e.g. medicines) and sanitary-epidemiological tests (e.g. tests) that are related to combating diseases, infections and infectious diseases, including COVID-19.