We traditionally met in lecture hall no. 130 to listen to a short introduction to the Polish tradition of celebrating St. Andrew’s and St. Catherine’s Days. The students were given glossaries of terms concerning Polish traditions. Finally, we listened to a recital of songs sung by Victoria from Ukraine and Thao from Vietnam. After the informative part, the students left the lecture hall to participate in the entertaining part of St. Andrew’s festivities, i.e. fortune-telling: pouring wax, peeling apples, seeing names of future partners, drawing names from under the pillow, shooting at names placed in a heart, fortune telling from cups etc. Everybody was in good mood.
Traditional Polish festival cannot be celebrated without good food so there were some Polish specialities, too: sweets, fruit and drinks. And it was really difficult to say ‘good bye’ and go home. <link https://www.lazarski.pl/></link>
We saw our future: a report on St. Andrew’s event
On 15 November 2019, we celebrated St. Catherine’s and St. Andrews Days at Lazarski University.