New director of the University Llibrary

In accordance with the Lazarski University president's decision Ms Anna Zielińska was appointed the new director (from Oct. 1, 2019) of the University Library. She has worked with us since 1998, previously as vice director (since 2019) and systems librarian (since 2009 ).
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In accordance with the Lazarski University president's decision Ms Anna Zielińska was appointed the new director (from Oct. 1, 2019) of the University Library. She has worked with us since 1998, previously as vice director (since 2019) and systems librarian (since 2009 ). <br /><br />A. Zielińska graduated from the Institute of Library and Information Science (University of Warsaw) with magister degree. Earlier she also studied zootechnics. She was a fervent advocate of joining of the National NUKAT union&nbsp; catalogue and worked with NUKAT Centre on retrospective conversion of Lazarski University stone-age catalogue into a modern retrieval tool. She worked efficiently towards implementation in NUKAT of the non-Latin alphabets search mode and towards assigning all the books at Lazarski Library of Congress Call Numbers. She is an expert on monitoring and evaluation&nbsp; of reaserch publications. She attended conferences and Erasmus tours, and spent a week in Moscow on a research mission funded by the Polish Institute. Currently she sits on an advisory board of a conference XIX Conference of Libraries, Non-Public and Public Universities.<br /><br />In her private life, she is a wine tasting and horseriding practitioner; you may meet her on tourist trails in Poland and abroad. <br /><br />