This time - from remote locations. Such access until now was either impossible or required using individual passwords, received from the librarian, which expired some time later. To remove this hindrance, we purchased Hidden Automatic Navigator (HAN), which provides liaison between the Internet user and the contents of the database selected. To access one of the databases, offered by the Library, we go to the Library Web site <link en/faculties-units/university-library/databases-and-information-sources/>…; and click on the name of the database, no matter if we are within the university computer network or outside of it. The only difference is that the remote database will not be accessed on the first step. What you see first is the sheet with two boxes: one for your login, the second one for your password. They should be the same as for the Patron catalogue (and they have to be active!). Then you just log in and the database is yours. Your remarks and evaluation are welcome.
The University Library invites you once again to use the databases
This time - from remote locations. Such access until now was either impossible or required using individual passwords, received from the librarian, which expired some time later. To remove this hindrance, we purchased Hidden Automatic Navigator (HAN), which provides liaison between the Internet user and the contents of the database selected.