Along with the process of academic "internationalization", university libraries aim at better serving their new auditoria – coming from various countries, with diversified customs and expectations, united by the common language of instruction – English. POLBIT, a group of Polish technical libraries, organized a conference to address this issue on October 25-26, 2018. The milieu of the conference was the new building of Lublin University of Technology Library. It was Lazarski University Library director Henryk Hollender who was asked to moderate a discussion of LUT international students asked to evaluate their library experience in Lublin. On the picture – the panel of discussants (students from Turkey, Lithuania, Georgia and Egypt and two LUT librarians), and Dr. Hollender making a comment on hardships of understanding the Polish standard of Cyrillic transliteration in library catalogues. <br /><br />Picture by Lublin University of Technology Library.
International students as library users – a conference in Lublin
Along with the process of academic "internationalization", university libraries aim at better serving their new auditoria – coming from various countries, with diversified customs and expectations, united by the common language of instruction – English.