Students presented their work on various aspects of migration, in particular, its legal, anthropological, political, demographic and ecological aspects. They received feedbacks from renowned scholars in the field of migration Prof. Corrado Bonifazi (the conference Keynote Speaker) and Prof. Marek Okolski (Lazarski Univeristy) as well as Lazarski's academic staff Dr.Spasimir Domaradzki, Dr. Iryna Polets and Dr. Jan Grzymski.
The conference 'The Many Faces of Migration in Europe' was organized by students' Club of Political Science, with the leading role of Tihana Tokić (2nd Year BA in International Relations) and with mentorship by Dr Spasimir Domaradzki. The conference was funded by external donation obtained by the Club of Political Science.
The Club of Political Science would like to thank Prof. Corrado Bonifazi for delivering the Keynote speech and providing a detaied feedback to the conference's participants and to Dr Spasimir Domaradzki for guiding and supporting Club's idea as well as to all the others who were part of this project and contributed to successfully realizing Club's vision.
Many Faces of Migration – Students Conference
The one-day conference 'The Many Faces of Migration in Europe' took place at Lazarski University on April 20, 2018 and brought together eleven speakers from nine countries at BA, MA and PhD levels.