This year, it will be devoted to 100th anniversary of the restoration of independence.
We will briefly tell you about the circumstances that made the revival of Poland possible. You will learn whose vision and dreams gave birth to Independent Poland. Who played it on the piano, what miracles happened at the time of its development, and what efforts had to be put into opening Poland to the world. Your mates who made a film will try to provoke you to cogitate about the meaning of a patriot, freedom and independence. You will have an opportunity to listen to and sing the most interesting songs about liberty and to make a national cockade.
Finally, apart from a traditional treat, everyone will have a chance to decorate the “tree of liberty”.
Poland Day - Thursday, 26 April 2018, 11.25 a.m., room No. 130.
We cordially invite!
Poland Day at Lazarski - Thursday, 26 April!
Polish Language and Culture Training Centre of the Foreign Language Centre is inviting everybody to Poland Day! Thursday, 26 April 2018, 11.25 a.m., room No. 130.