Foreign Language Centre is inviting all the students and graduates of Lazarski University to the Language Classes Quality and Attractiveness Improvement Contest.
The contest is in the form of a written essay in Polish or English. It should be edited on a computer (font size: 12, line spacing: 1.5, minimum size: one A4 page). Essays should be sent to <link></link>
Closing date: 15 May 2018.
All contestants will be given prizes and the winner will be awarded a tablet. It is worth participating!
Contest Rules and Regulations available in the FLC, room 132.
Contest for Lazarski University students - Language Classes Quality and Attractiveness Improvement
Do you have an idea how to improve the attractiveness of language classes or change their form? Do you want to share your opinions about the methods of teaching and learning foreign languages? Do you know how to stimulate your mates to be efficient and improve their motivation? Can you recommend methods for keeping students awake? Do you believe in the power of innovation and new technologies in language learning? Enter the contest and win the prize!