<strong>Debate Topic: BRAIN DRAIN or BRAIN GAIN? </strong>
<strong>When: Wednesday, 29 November at 14:40 </strong>
<strong>Where: Lazarski University, room 106</strong>
In accordance with the definition in “Uniwersalny słownik języka polskiego” (quoting Wikipedia), it is a phenomenon of “tempting highly skilled specialists to get employment in developed countries by providing them with better economic conditions and modern labour organisation”.
<strong>Is ‘brain drain’ a problem in Poland? Should we be concerned about it? </strong>The phenomenon has been observed for long (since the 1960s), but is it escalating? Does Poland lose or gain? Should young educated people be encouraged to work abroad or discouraged from it? Is free education for medical personnel and engineers wasted when they flee to Western Europe to earn higher salaries? Do you think we should invest in programmes providing financial support for start-ups or is it better to work abroad and copy business models existing there? Is it better to increase investment in domestic scientific research or to ‘import’ educated workers from other countries? These are some questions that we will try to answer together.
We invite everyone! Free admission!
Contact: kursy.jezykowe@lazarski.edu.pl
Come and express your opinion! Open Student Debate in English on November 29 at Lazarski University!
Do you want to develop your skills in speaking in public, present your opinion on important issues to the audience, exchange views, put forward your arguments and do it in English? Foreign Language Centre invites all Lazarski University students who speak English to take part in the Open Student Debate.