Polish St. Catherine’s and St. Andrew’s Day on 22 November at Lazarski!

Polish Language and Culture Centre of the Foreign Language Centre of Lazarski University invites you to St. Catherine’s and St. Andrew’s Day on Wednesday, 22 November 2017, at 14.30 – 16.30, lecture hall 130.
candles 1 1518699

In the Programme:
<ul><li>St. Andrew’s Day and Advent in the Polish religious and folk tradition</li><li>time for divination (corridor in front of lecture hall 130)</li><li>pouring wax</li><li>divining future wives</li><li>divining future husbands (from under a pillow)</li><li>peeling apples</li><li>a cup will tell you the truth</li><li>sweet treat</li></ul>
We invite you to join us! A special invitation is addressed to foreign students and course participants of Lazarski!