New edition of the Healthcare Leaders Competition

The Healthcare Leaders Competition is a way to distinguish the most valuable initiatives and attitudes and to reward commitment and achievements on the healthcare and pharmaceutical market. This year will witness the 11th edition of the competition.
Liderzy Ochrony Zdrowia Grafika

For 11 years, the Healthcare Leaders Competition has been a way to distinguish the most valuable initiatives, attitudes and achievements on the healthcare and pharmaceutical market. The winners are selected by an independent jury comprising figures of authority on the healthcare market. The competition is held in an open nationwide formula with no fees paid by its participants.
Healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals wishing to take part in the competition are encouraged to fill out the form and report their candidacy in one of four categories: Efficient Management, Patient Support, Innovative Ideas, or Health Promotion and Preventive Care.
The prestigious Healthcare Leader Award is not only a beautiful block of crystal but, above all, a tangible proof of the greatest achievements. Competition results will be announced during a ceremonial Healthcare Leaders Gala scheduled for 4 April 2017 at the seat of the Polskie Radio National Symphonic Orchestra in Katowice. The most interesting projects and the awarded candidates will be presented during the Gala, attended by the media and distinguished members of the medical circles. Winner bios will also be included in the <em>Ogólnopolski System Ochrony Zdrowia</em> magazine.
The competition is organized by the <em>Ogólnopolski System Ochrony Zdrowia</em> magazine. Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka, PhD, Director of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies at the Łazarski University, sits on the competition jury.
“I am very happy to have been invited to sit on the jury that comprises so many distinguished persons. I firmly believe that together we will select outstanding Leaders whose daily efforts bring about a real improvement in the Polish healthcare system,” said Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka, PhD.