Presented results as well as the situation of women with advanced breast cancer in Poland were discussed by Maria Libura.
<em> </em><em>“Issues connected with advanced breast cancer awareness are crucial, both in the society in general and among patients themselves.</em><em> </em><em>Interestingly, while early-stage breast cancer is a familiar topic of sorts, frequently discussed by the media, late-stage breast cancer remains unfortunately a taboo,”</em> explained Libura.
You can watch the interview <link…;.
Maria Libura – Vice-President for Strategy at the Łazarski University and Director of the Łazarski University Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies, President of the Polish Association of Prader-Willi Syndrome.
Maria Libura on breast cancer
A global report on the situation of patients with late-stage breast cancer was presented during the conference held at the Łazarski University in Warsaw.