Professor Anna Konert on PR Channel Three

Professor Anna Konert was a guest of the Euranet Plus programme on Chanel Three of the Polish Radio. She spoke of the planned amendments to the European Commission regulation on air passenger rights.
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The issue discussed was whether airline customers may expect to have their rights extended or limited.
<em>&nbsp;</em><em>“It seems that they [the draft amendments – ed.]</em><em> </em><em>are consumer-oriented, which means that the passengers can count on even more rights than they currently have and, in my opinion, they (currently – ed.)</em><em> </em><em>enjoy quite a number of rights”</em>, said Professor Konert.
You can listen to the entire conversation <link,Bardzo-Wazny-Problem…;.
Associate Professor Anna Konert, PhD habil. – <span class="Teksttreci212pt">Deputy Dean for Research and International Cooperation at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Łazarski University, Vice-President of the Polish Aviation Club and Supervisor of the “Avion” Interfaculty Aviation Law Scientific Club at Łazarski University.</span>