Language proficiency self-assessment

Level A

I listen and I understandI can understand words and very simple sentences with respect to myself, my family, and things known and important to me, if my interlocutors talk slowly and clearly.I can understand frequently used words and expressions regarding myself, my family, and things known and important to me, shopping, school and friends. I can understand the main information behind oral communication and messages.
I read and I understandI can understand names, words and very simple sentences, e.g. in announcements, on posters or in catalogues.I can understand short and very simple texts. I can divine the sense of information presented in such texts as advertisements, brochures, menus, or bus schedules. I can understand short and simple personal messages.
I communicateI can communicate if my interlocutor agrees to repeat slowly what he has just said, use simpler words and assist me in expressing myself. I can ask simple questions regarding a topic I know or what I absolutely need as well as answer similar questions.I can communicate when performing familiar and simple tasks requiring only a simple and direct exchange of information on known topics. I can communicate during a short exchange, although I cannot hold a longer conversation.
I speakI can use very simple words and phrases to describe myself, my flat and the people I know.I can describe my family or other people, what I do, my studies, and my current and previous job in a couple of sentences.
I writeI can write a short card, e.g. from holidays. I can fill out a simple form, entering my name, surname, nationality, age and address.I can note down and convey short and simple information. I can write a very simple and personal letter, like a thank-you letter.

Level B

I listen and I understandI understand information provided in standard language about home, school, free time, etc. I can understand the main message of most television and radio programmes devoted to current affairs and topics I find interesting, if the participants talk relatively slowly and clearly.I can understand relatively long utterances and lectures and can even follow a complex utterance if it pertains to a topic I am familiar with. I can understand the news and most television programmes devoted to current affairs. I can understand most films, provided the characters use standard language.
I read and I understandI can primarily understand texts written in standard language and connected with my job. I can understand a description of events or of experience as well as wishes expressed in private correspondence.I can understand articles and texts describing contemporary issues whose authors assume a specific perspective of standpoint. I can understand a contemporary literary text written in prose.
I communicateI can communicate in most situations I can encounter when travelling in the country whose language I am learning. I can spontaneously take part in a conversation on personal matters or regarding everyday life, e.g. family, free time, work, travelling and current affairs.I can communicate relatively easily and spontaneously, making interactions with native language users natural. I can actively participate in a conversation on everyday topics, present my views and defend them.
I speakI can report events, talk about my experience, dreams, hopes and goals in simple words. I can provide a short explanation, present my reasons, express my opinion and describe by plans. I can tell a short story, summarise the main plot of a film and express my reaction to it.I can speak clearly and in detail about numerous topics regarding my interests, present my view on the currently discussed topic and explain the pros and cons of various solutions.
I writeI can write a short and concise text on a topic I know or am interested in. I can write a letter describing my personal experience and impressions.I can write clear and detailed texts on numerous topics connected with my interests. I can write an essay or a report, conveying information or presenting my perspective for or against the expressed opinion. I can write letters which convey the meaning I personally ascribe to specific events and experience.

Level C

I listen and I understandI can understand a long utterance even if its structure is unclear and has implicit meaning. I can understand television shows and films without a great effort.I have no difficulty in understanding spoken language either in direct communication or on the media, even if the speaker is talking fast. I need only a short time to get familiar with a new accent.
I read and I understandI can understand long and complex press and literary texts with different styles. I can understand specialist texts and lengthy technical instructions, even if they are not connected with my field of expertise.I can effortlessly read all texts, even those with a highly abstract form and content, like textbooks, specialised articles, or literary works.
I communicateI can communicate fluently and spontaneously without searching for words and expressions. I can effectively use language in social and professional interactions. I can express my thoughts and ideas and refer to the utterances of my interlocutors.I can effortlessly participate in all kinds of conversations and discussions, fluently using idiomatic and common language expressions. I can speak fluently and precisely express different shades of meaning. In case of making a mistake, I can easily correct it so that it goes almost unnoticed.
I speakI can describe complex issues clearly and in detail while referring to topics connected with them, expanding on some aspects and appropriately ending my utterance.I can describe and conduct clear and fluent reasoning in a context-appropriate style, present a given topic in a concise and logical manner, and recall the main points of my presentation to the listeners.
I writeI can express my thoughts through a clear and well-constructed text, expanding on my point of view in it. I can express my thoughts in writing in a letter, essay or a report on complex topics, highlighting aspects I find important. I can adapt my style to the style of my correspondent.I can write a clear and fluent text that is stylistically adapted to the context and the situation. I can edit letters, reports, summaries and articles on complex topics and ensure they have a clear structure that allows the readers to understand their key points. I can summarise or present a written review of an academic or a literary text.