Insurance and medical care

Important information for students and doctoral students on health insurance

Pursuant to the Act of August 27, 2004 on health care services financed from public funds, students and doctoral students who are not subject to the obligation of health insurance on other grounds are subject to health insurance.

Notification for health insurance

A student/doctoral student may be enrolled for health insurance by:

  1. A parent with a title to health insurance (e.g., due to employment under an employment contract, business activity, or pension received).
  2. A grandmother or grandfather - if neither parent is subject to compulsory health insurance in Poland or another European Union country,

    - In each of these cases, health care benefits financed by the NFZ are available to the student until the age of 26.

  3. Spouse - if a student/doctoral student is married, he/she is covered by health insurance by his/her spouse , provided he/she has a title to health insurance himself/herself (e.g., works under an employment contract). In this case, the student is entitled to insurance as long as there is no other title to insurance, such as taking up a job, starting an independent business or registering with an employment office.
  4. University - if the student/doctoral student cannot be enrolled for health insurance by any family member, and if he/she continues his/her education after the age of 26, the student's insurance obligation is transferred to the UNIVERSITY.

Note: It is incumbent on the student/doctoral student to report in person to the Bursar's Office, Room 203, Sector D, and submit an application for their insurance coverage with a simultaneous submission of a statement that they are not subject to the obligation of health insurance for any other reason.

Note: It is the responsibility of the student/doctoral student to notify the University if another title to compulsory health insurance arises, e.g., when they start working, for example.

  1. EMPLOYER - if the student/doctoral student works on the basis of an employment contract or a contract of mandate, he/she is reported for insurance by the employer.
  2. INSTITUTION - if when a student/doctoral student receives benefits granted by, for example, ZUS or KRUS, he/she is reported for insurance by the institutions paying the benefits in question.



The right to health care benefits for persons who have completed higher education or doctoral studies expires after 4 months from the date of graduation or removal from the list of students or doctoral students.


Personal Accident Insurance

Students interested in personal accident insurance (NNW), after the start of the academic year, can report to the Administration Department, where they will receive detailed information.

Administration Department

Room 31, sector D, first floor
Monday-Friday 8:00-16:00
phone: (22) 54 35 480
email: administracja(at)