New monograph, “V4 Medical Simulation Centers Best Practices”, has been published in open access by Lazarski University Publishing House.

A peer-reviewed scientific monograph, “V4 Medical Simulation Centers Best Practices”, edited by Mark Dabrowski, has been published in open access by Lazarski University Publishing House.
New monograph

"V4 Medical Simulation Centers Best Practices" - the publication is dedicated to teachers, trainers and medical simulation center technicians committed to the ongoing development of medical training of students and healthcare professionals through medical simulation education. 

...among the top available educational techniques and technologies.

Four state-of-the-art medical simulation centers from the Visegrad region share their the best practices that are among the top available educational techniques and technologies. These include Body Interact TM
(described in Chapter 1) applied by the Centre of Simulator and Virtual Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine at Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice. This technology is a student-centered self-directed learning approach that allows students and healthcare professionals to practice simulated real-life clinical scenarios in their own time and at their own pace. 

In Chapter 2, the University of Szeged Clinical Skills Center describes the SBAR Technique for teaching the highly necessary but often neglected interpersonal skills crucial in emergency departments and during changing shifts at hospitals. The Clinical Skills Center also reveals the fascinating world of microsurgery, its prestigious labs and simulation-based surgery curriculum for professionals. The Simulation Centre of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University -largest and leading medical simulation center in Europe and the Visegrad region - shares in Chapter 3 its tested and proven simulation-based curriculum. to implement and achieve the best learning outcomes

Chapter 3 is a very practical and comprehensive instructions manual in how to implement and achieve the best learning outcomes through simulation-based education. The last chapter introduces a new type of medical simulation methodology called the Standardized Patient (SP) that involves an amateur actor who plays the role of a patient. The MedExcellence Medical Simulation Center staff and trainers show how introducing SP into Lazarski University’s medical program benefits soft skills training among future healthcare providers. The interaction with a ‘live’ patient adds both realism and honesty to the educational experience because students receive genuine feedback from the amateur actor/patient. 

The best practices described in this publication were first presented and discussed during study visits and multiplier events that took place at each medical simulation center as part of the V4 Network of Medical Simulation Centers: Building Best Practices project sponsored by the Visegrad Fund. 

The downloadable monograph, as well as updated information on where it is published in open access, can be found under the book's presentation on the site:

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