Wizz Air Partners with Lazarski Aviation Academy to Elevate Aviation Education

Wizz Air, the most sustainable airline globally, proudly announces its strategic partnership with Lazarski Aviation Academy (LAA). Through this collaboration, Wizz Air aims to bind the potential of young, aspiring pilots and empower them to embark on successful careers in the aviation industry.
Wizz Air

On July 2, 2024, Professor Anna Konert, Director of Lazarski Aviation Academy, signed a letter of intent with Wizz Air, formalizing this collaboration and marking a significant milestone in the advancement of aviation education in the region.

Under the terms of the agreement, Wizz Air will conduct immersive sessions lasting two to four days during the final year of education, providing students with valuable insights into the life of an airline pilot. These lectures will cover a range of topics, including operational procedures, cockpit dynamics, and career pathways within the aviation industry.

Recognizing the importance of effective recruitment preparation, Wizz Air will offer guidance and resources to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in airline recruitment processes. Such a detailed and tailored recruitment preparation guidance will support the students to enhance their prospects in the competitive aviation job market. Upon graduation, students will have direct access to Wizz Air's recruitment sessions, providing them with a unique opportunity to kickstart their careers with one of Europe's leading airlines. This direct pathway to employment underscores Wizz Air's commitment to nurturing talent and facilitating seamless transitions from academia to industry.

Partnership with Lazarski Aviation Academy marks a significant step in fostering the next generation of aviation professionals in Poland, further strengthening Wizz Air's role as a leader in the aviation industry.

Wizz Air, renowned for its commitment to its home markets and support for future pilots from Central and Eastern European aviation universities, operates a fleet of 220 Airbus A320 and Airbus A321 aircraft. The airline offers more than 800 routes from 31 bases, connecting 200 destinations across 50 countries, and employs over 8,000 aviation professionals. In 2024, Wizz Air was recognized as the best low-cost airline in Central and Eastern Europe.

The collaboration between Wizz Air and Lazarski Aviation Academy brings forth several benefits for LAA students, including:

Sasha Vislaus, Corporate Communications Manager at Wizz Air said: “We are honored to partner with Lazarski Aviation Academy, a leading institution in aviation education. This collaboration underscores our commitment to supporting the next generation of aviation professionals and providing them with the tools, resources, and opportunities they need to excel in their field. By integrating Wizz Air’s educational methods into LAA’s programs, we aim to create a strong pipeline of skilled pilots who will drive the future of aviation.”

Professor Anna Konert, PhD, Director of Lazarski Aviation Academy, said: “Together with Wizz Air, Lazarski Aviation Academy will educate and promote the best-qualified future pilots, playing a fundamental role in shaping the future of aviation in our region.”

This partnership is part of Wizz Air’s ongoing commitment to investing in the next generation of aviation professionals. Since initiating the University Cooperation Project in 2017, Wizz Air has partnered with several prestigious universities across Europe, including those in Estonia, Hungary, Georgia, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine.

The cooperation between Wizz Air and the Lazarski University represents a significant milestone in the airline's expansion strategy and its commitment to fostering talent development within the aviation sector. Through this collaborative effort, Wizz Air reaffirms its position as a pioneering force in the aviation industry, dedicated to shaping the future of flight.

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Jesteśmy ośrodkiem naukowo dydaktycznym, który umiejętnie łączy innowacyjne standardy edukacji z tradycyjnymi celami kształcenia.

Budujemy społeczność opartą na zdobywaniu wiedzy od najznakomitszych mistrzów. Grono naszych wykładowców to wybitni eksperci w dziedzinie ekonomii, polityki, lotnictwa i prawa!

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Jesteśmy ośrodkiem naukowo dydaktycznym, który umiejętnie łączy innowacyjne standardy edukacji z tradycyjnymi celami kształcenia.

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