Two representatives took part in the Warsaw Security Forum

On October 26-28th, 2016 the two representatives of Lazarski University took part in the Warsaw Security Forum, the biggest security event in Warsaw after NATO Summit this summer.

The event, run by The Casimir Pulaski Foundation, took part in Hilton Double Tree Hotel in Warsaw. The purpose of the Warsaw Security Forum (WSF) is to exchange professional experiences as well as to present the solutions to the complex regional security challenges crucial to the Central and Eastern European states. The three-day forum consisted of numerous plenary sessions dedicated to the security issues. In particular, the discussions embraced the topics related to the future of NATO, the Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union (including relations with the Russian Federation), energy security, issues on the EU and NATO borders, as well as they addressed the new threats raised by the regional instabilities. In general, the issue of security was examined in the economic, military, and political dimensions.
Yana Humen, the Lazarski University alumni, and Sofiia Shevchuk, the current student at Lazarski University, were part of the organizing team during the Forum. It was a valuable experience for both of them, as they enjoyed the opportunity to meet, listen to, and talk to the XXI century`s political elites and decision-makers on security issues. Among the main speakers during the WSF there were José Manuel Barroso, the former President of the European Commission (2004 – 2009, 2009 – 2014), Toomas Hendrik Ilves, the former President of Estonia (2006 – 2011, 2011 – 2016), and Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, the former President of the Republic of Latvia (1999 – 2003, 2003 – 2007). The Warsaw Security Forum was a remarkable success, as a considerable number of solutions to the security issues were outlined. Moreover, Ms. Humen and Ms. Shevchuk received an opportunity to test the skills and knowledge they have acquired at Lazarski University on practice. It was yet another international conference, where our representatives performed on a high level! Participation in the Forum will definitely help them build a successful career in the area of International Relations. If you want to see more photos and follow the event feed, please check the hashtag #WSF2016.
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