All the forecasts predict that this US presidential race will be the closest one in years. Of course, I realize you may find elements of the campaign distasteful. Otto von Bismarck used to say that no one who likes sausages or politics should ever see how each of those is made. Nevertheless, under layers of spin, accusations and trash-talk we can find real politics in this campaign. And this politics will affects us all. Will the new president accurately articulate the sentiments and discontents present in society or will s/he try to pre-emptively sail against the anti-systemic tide? What will be his/her foreign politics? Trade war with China and a shady deal with Russia, or more globalization and a new cold-war with Kremlin? We will try to answer those questions during our seminar with the help of the theoretical framework of Stephen Skowronek and some recent analyses.
The general interest articles can be found here:
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Experts from the Skowronek's: